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IS5403 Week 3 All Quizezz


What can be deployed to intercept and log network traffic passing through the network?

2 of 5

What attack involves impersonating another device?

3 of 5

Packet sniffing can be helpful in detecting rogues.

4 of 5

Which of the following is NOT a means used by an attacker to do reconnaissance on a network?

What is a session token?

Which attack uses the user's web browser settings to impersonate that user?
John was explaining about an attack that accepts user input without validating it and uses that input in a response. What type of attack was he describing?
What is the basis of an SQL injection attack?
Which attack intercepts communications between a web browser and the underlying computer?
What kind of attack is performed by an attacker who takes advantage of the inadvertent and unauthorized access built through three succeeding systems that all trust one another?
Attackers who register domain names that are similar to legitimate domain names are performing _____.
What type of attack intercepts legitimate communication and forges a fictitious response to the sender?
A replay attack _____.
An attacker who manipulates the maximum size of an integer type would be performing what kind of attack?
Which of these is NOT a DoS attack?
What is the difference between a DoS and a DDoS attack?
Olivia was asked to protect the system from a DNS poisoning attack. What are the locations she would need to protect?
DNS poisoning _____.
Why are extensions, plug-ins, and add-ons considered to be security risks?

Which statement is correct regarding why traditional network security devices cannot be used to block web application attacks?
Which action cannot be performed through a successful SQL injection attack?
What type of attack involves manipulating third-party ad networks?
Newton is concerned that attackers could be exploiting a vulnerability in software to gain access to resources that the user normally would be restricted from accessing. What type of attack is he worried about?
Which of the following adds new functionality to the web browser so that users can play music, view videos, or display special graphical images within the browser?
How does network address translation (NAT) improve security?
Which statement regarding a demilitarized zone (DMZ) is NOT true?
Raul was asked to configure the VPN to preserve bandwidth. Which configuration would he choose?
Which device intercepts internal user requests and then processes those requests on behalf of the users?
Ximena noticed that Sofia had created a network bridge on her new laptop between the unsecured wireless network and the organization's secure intranet. Ximena explained to Sofia the problem associated with setting up the bridge. What did Ximena tell Sofia?
In which of the following configurations are all the load balancers always active?
Which device watches for attacks and sounds an alert only when one occurs?
Which of the following is a multipurpose security device?
Sebastian was explaining to his supervisor why the enterprise needed to implement port security. His supervisor asked what security action a flood guard could do when a MAC flooding attack occurred. Which of the following was NOT an answer that was given by Sebastian?
Which function does an Internet content filter NOT perform?
Which of the following devices can identify the application that sends packets and then makes decisions about filtering based on it?

Which of the following CANNOT be used to hide information about the internal network?
Which statement about network address translation (NAT) is true?
Which device is easiest for an attacker to take advantage of to capture and analyze packets?
Which of these would NOT be a filtering mechanism found in a firewall ACL rule?

Which of these is NOT used in scheduling a load balancer?
Which is the most secure type of firewall?
Isabella is a security support manager for a large enterprise. In a recent meeting, she was asked which of the standard networking devices already present on the network could be configured to supplement the specific network security hardware devices that were recently purchased. Which of these standard networking devices would Isabella recommend?
Francisco was asked by a student intern to explain the danger of a MAC flooding attack on a switch. What would Francisco say?
What is the difference between a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) and a network intrusion prevention system (NIPS)?



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