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IS5403 Week 1 Quizezz


Proxies are "devices" that are strictly software-only.

5 of 8

A web application firewall is exactly the same as a network firewall.

6 of 8

A Web application firewall protects Web servers from malicious traffic and blocks attempts to compromise the system. It prevents targeted attacks that include Denial of Service (DOS), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL injection, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), forceful browsing, cookie poisoning and invalid input. In which of the following attacks does the attacker gains access to a restricted page within a Web application by supplying a URL directly?

7 of 8

Anetwork administrator is evaluating different firewalls. Which of the following firewalls provides protection from the following attacks: Denial of Service (DOS), Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL injection, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), forceful browsing, cookie poisoning and invalid input?



Which of the following risks does the use of social netowrking and P2P platforms pose?

2 of 4

Under which of the following does "shoulder surfing" fall?

3 of 4

What are the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of social engineering techniques? [Choose all that apply.]

Which tool is most commonly associated with nation state threat actors?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Nation State Actors
Which of the following is an enterprise critical asset?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Information Security Terminology
Which of the following is NOT a successive layer in which information security is achieved?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Defining Information Security
Ian recently earned his security certification and has been offered a promotion to a position that requires him to analyze and design security solutions as well as identifying users' needs. Which of these generally recognized security positions has Ian been offered?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Challenges of Securing Information
Which of the following is NOT true regarding security?

See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Understanding Security
What is a race condition?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Reasons for Successful Attacks
What are industry-standard frameworks and reference architectures that are required by external agencies known as?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Frameworks and Reference Architectures
Gunnar is creating a document that explains risk response techniques. Which of the following would he NOT list and explain in his document?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Information Security Terminology
An organization that practices purchasing products from different vendors is demonstrating which security principle?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Fundamental Security Principles
Which act requires banks and financial institutions to alert their customers of their policies in disclosing customer information?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Understanding the Importance of Information Security
What is the category of threat actors that sell their knowledge of vulnerabilities to other attackers or governments?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Other Threat Actors
Adone is attempting to explain to his friend the relationship between security and convenience. Which of the following statements would he use?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Understanding Security
Which the following is NOT a reason why it is difficult to defend against today's attackers?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Difficulties in Defending Against Attacks
Why do cyberterrorists target power plants, air traffic control centers, and water systems?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Other Threat Actors
Tatyana is discussing with her supervisor potential reasons why a recent attack was successful against one of their systems. Which of the following configuration issues would NOT be covered?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Reasons for Successful Attacks
Signe wants to improve the security of the small business where she serves as a security manager. She determines that the business needs to do a better job of not revealing the type of computer, operating system, software, and network connections they use. What security principle does Signe want to use?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Fundamental Security Principles
Complete this definition of information security: That which protects the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information _____.
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Defining Information Security
Alyona has been asked by her supervisor to give a presentation regarding reasons why security attacks continue to be successful. She has decided to focus on the issue of widespread vulnerabilities. Which of the following would Alyona NOT include in her presentation?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Reasons for Successful Attacks
Which of the following ensures that only authorized parties can view protected information?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Defining Information Security
What is an objective of state-sponsored attackers?
See Ch. 1: Introduction to Security, Section - Nation State Actors

A watering hole attack is directed against which of the following?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Psychological Approaches
Which statement regarding a keylogger is NOT true?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Payload Capabilities
Which type of mutation completely changes a virus from its original form by rewriting its own code whenever it is executed?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Circulation
Which type of malware requires a user to transport it from one computer to another?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - CirculationWhich type of malware requires a user to transport it from one computer to another?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Circulation
What is the name of the threat actor's computer that gives instructions to an infected computer?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Infection
Each of these is a reason why adware is scorned EXCEPT _____.
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Payload Capabilities

Linnea's father called her to say that a message suddenly appeared on his screen that says his software license has expired and he must immediately pay $500 to have it renewed before control of the computer will be returned to him. What type of malware is this?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Infection
Which of these items retrieved through dumpster diving would NOT provide useful information?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Physical Procedures
Which of the following is NOT a primary trait of malware?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Attacks Using Malware
Which variation of a phishing attack sends phishing messages only to wealthy individuals?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Psychological Approaches
Which of these could NOT be defined as a logic bomb?

See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Payload Capabilities
What is the term used for a threat actor who controls multiple bots in a botnet?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Payload Capabilities
Lykke receives a call while working at the helpdesk from someone who needs his account reset immediately. When Lykke questions the caller, he says, "If you don't reset my account immediately, I will call your supervisor!" What psychological approach is the caller attempting to use on Lykke?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Psychological Approaches
Which of these is a general term used for describing software that gathers information without the user's consent?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Payload Capabilities
Which of the following is NOT correct about a rootkit?

See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Concealment
Astrid's computer screen suddenly says that all files are now locked until money is transferred to a specific account, at which time she will receive a means to unlock the files. What type of malware has infected her computer?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Infection
How can an attacker use a hoax?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Psychological Approaches
Hedda pretends to be the help desk manager and calls Steve to trick him into giving her his password. What social engineering attack has Hedda performed?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Psychological Approaches
Ebba received a message from one of her tech support employees. In violation of company policy, a user had downloaded a free program to receive weather reports, but the program had also installed malware on the computer that gave the threat actor unrestricted access to the computer. What type of malware had been downloaded?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Infection
Which of the following is defined as following an authorized person through a secure door?
See Ch. 2: Malware and Social Engineering Attacks, Section - Physical Procedures


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