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IS5203 Week6 ( 2nd Batch )

 1. Question

Item completed: 02/15/2022 04:47 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Routing table
2. Question
Item completed: 02/15/2022 04:47 AM
Value: 1
Answer: is a default route. The router uses it to route packets if it doesn’t have a more specific route to the destination
3. Question
Item completed: 02/15/2022 04:47 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Dynamic routing protocols are better in large environments where there are many networks and devices
4. Question
Item completed: 02/15/2022 04:48 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Distance vector routing protocol exchanges the whole routing table, while link state routing protocol exchanges information about all connected networks
5. Question
Item completed: 02/15/2022 04:48 AM
Value: 1
Answer: EIGRP routes
Score : 5 out of 5 (100%)
Which OSI layer is responsible for directing data from one LAN to another?
What kind of route is created when a network administrator configures a router to use a specific path between nodes?
When a router can't determine a path to a message's destination, where does it send the message?
A routing protocol's reliability and priority are rated by what measurement?
Which routing protocol does an edge router use to collect data to build its routing tables for paths across the Internet?
What is the lowest layer of the OSI model at which LANs and WANs support the same protocols?
What kind of device can monitor a connection at the demarc but cannot interpret data?
What specifications define the standards for cable broadband?
What method does a GSM network use to separate data on a channel?
Which of these cellular technologies offers the fastest speeds?
Your organization has just approved a special budget for a network security upgrade. What procedure should you conduct to develop your recommendations for the upgrade priorities?
Which type of DoS attack orchestrates an attack bounced off uninfected computers?
A company accidentally sends a newsletter with a mistyped website address. The address points to a website that has been spoofed by hackers to collect information from people who make the same typo. What kind of attack is this?
A former employee discovers six months after he starts work at a new company that his account credentials still give him access to his old company's servers. He demonstrates his access to several friends to brag about his cleverness and talk badly about the company. What kind of attack is this?
What type of attack relies on spoofing?
You need to securely store handheld radios for your network technicians to take with them when they're troubleshooting problems around your campus network. What's the best way to store these radios so all your techs can get to them and so you can track who has the radios?
Leading up to the year 2000, many people expected computer systems the world over to fail when clocks turned the date to January 1, 2000. What type of threat was this?
Which of the following attack simulations detect vulnerabilities and attempt to exploit them? Choose two.
Which of the following is considered a secure protocol?
A company wants to have its employees sign a document that details some project-related information that should not be discussed outside the project's team members. What type of document should they use?


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