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IS5203 Week3 ( 2nd Batch )

 1. Question

Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:22 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Satellite
2. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:22 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Leased Line
3. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:22 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Total Internal Reflection
4. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:22 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Reduce Noise (Crosstalk)
5. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:22 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Wall
Score : 5 out of 5 (100%)
Which transmission characteristic is never fully achieved?

Which kind of crosstalk occurs between wire pairs near the source of the signal?
Which kind of multiplexing assigns slots to nodes according to priority and need?
Which cable is best suited for ultra-high-speed connections between a router and a switch on the same rack?
Which of these categories of twisted-pair cable can support Gigabit Ethernet?
Suppose you're creating patch cables to be used in a government office. What color wire goes in the first pin?
What is the earliest twisted-pair cabling standard that meets the minimum requirements for 10GBASE-T transmissions at 100 meters?
What type of fiber-cable problem is caused when pairing a 50-micron core cable with a 62.5-micron core cable?
Which part of a toner and probe kit emits an audible tone when it detects electrical activity on a wire pair?
Which fiber connector contains two strands of fiber in each ferrule?
1. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:30 AM
Value: 1
Answer: 802.11b
2. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:30 AM
Value: 1
Answer: 1
3. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:30 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Scanning
4. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:30 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
5. Question
Item completed: 01/30/2022 05:30 AM
Value: 1
Answer: In the handset
Score : 5 out of 5 (100%)
What is the lowest layer of the OSI model at which wired and wireless transmissions share the same protocols?

As you're troubleshooting a dead zone in your office, which measurement will help you determine the edges of the dead zone?
Which one of the following wireless transmission types requires a clear LOS to function?
Which of the following wireless technologies does not use the 2.4 GHz band?
Which function of WPA/WPA2 security ensures data cannot be read in transit?
Which protocol replaced TKIP for WPA2?
Which 802.11 standard functions in both the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz bands?
Which Carrier Sense technology is used on wireless networks to reduce collisions?
You've just completed a survey of the wireless signals traversing the airspace in your company's vicinity, and you've found an unauthorized AP with a very strong signal near the middle of the 100-acre campus. Its SSID is broadcasting the name of a smartphone model. What kind of threat do you need to report to your boss?
You just settled in for some study time at the local coffee shop, and you pause long enough to connect your smartphone to the Wi-Fi so you can listen to some music while you study. As you're about to sign in, you realize that you clicked on an SSID called "Free Coffee and Internet." What kind of security trap did you almost fall for?


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