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INF503 Post Assement Quiz


1.       Structural dependence exists when it is possible to make changes in the file structure without affecting the application program's ability to access the data. False

2.       Structural dependence exists when it is possible to make changes in the file structure without affecting the application program's ability to access the data.  False

3.       Which of the following is a reason why a DBMS's daily operations must be clearly documented? Sol: Documentation of the daily operations help pinpoint causes and solutions of database problem

4.       The database structure in a DBMS is stored as a ANSWER: b. collection of files

5.       The Oracle ______  function compares an attribute or expression with a series of values and returns an associated value or a default value if no match is found. DECODE

6.       The _____ must be set large enough to permit as many data requests to be serviced from cache as possible. Data Cache

7.       During the _____ phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the hardware, database management system (DBMS) software, and application programs are installed, and the database design is implemented. Implementation

8.       In the context of developing a data administration strategy, a(n) _____ provides a framework that includes computerized, automated, and integrated tools such as a DBMS and CASE tools. information systems architecture

9.       The "_____" characteristic of a primary key states that the primary key must uniquely identify each entity instance, must be able to guarantee unique values, and must not contain nulls. unique values

10.   No matter what language you use, if it contains embedded SQL statements, it is called the _____ language. Host

11.   A(n) ____ is anything about which data are to be collected and stored. Entity

12.   In the Chen and Crow's Foot notations, an entity is represented with a rectangle containing the entity's name. True

13.   Which of the following is a characteristic of the XML metalanguage? It allows the definition of new tags.

14.   When performing user access management, a DBA defines each user to the database at the _____ levels. operating system and DBMS

15.  A _____key is defined as a key that is used strictly for data retrieval purposes. Sol. Secondary

16.  _____ fragmentation refers to the division of a relation into attribute subsets. Vertical

17.  _____ is a higher-level, object-oriented application interface used to access remote database servers. RDO

18.  A _____ is a dynamic table that not only contains the SQL query command to generate the rows, but also stores the actual rows. Materialized View

19.  The main disadvantage of using CGI scripts is that: they cause a resource bottleneck since they have to execute separately for each user request.

20.  database design is a(n) _____ process based on repetition. iterative

21.  In the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the design of the system's processes begins in the detailed systems design phase. False

22.  A null is created when you press the Enter key or the Tab key to move to the next entry without making a prior entry of any kind. True

23.  Relational models view data as part of a table or collection of tables in which all key values must be identified. True

24.  A(n) ________ is an orderly arrangement used to logically access rows in a table. Index

25.  The SQL cache stores the end-user written SQL False

26.  _____ tools focus on the strategic and tactical use of information.  Business intelligence

27.  A field-level lock allows concurrent transactions to access the same row, as long as they require the use of different fields within that row. True

28.  A(n) ______ is a tag that is used to associate a collection of nodes as being of the same type or belonging to the same group. Label

29.  A relational table must not contain a(n) Repeating group

30.  A table where all attributes are dependent on the primary key but are independent of each other, and no row contains two or more multivalued facts about an entity is said to be in _____. 4NF

31.  The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a newer web server interface standard that is much more efficient and faster than a dynamic link library (DLL). False.

32.  A system table space, a user data table space, an index table space, and a temporary table space are examples of _____. file groups

33.  Relational databases rely on unstructured data. False

34.  Business rules apply to businesses and government groups, but not to other types of organizations such as religious groups or research laboratories. False

35.  You can select partial table contents by naming the desired fields and by placing restrictions on the rows to be included in the output. True

36.  Which of the following refers to the situation where different versions of the same data are stored at different places because they weren't updated consistently? Data Redundancy

37.  Which command would be used to delete the table row where the P_CODE is 'BRT-345'? DELETE FROM PRODUCT WHERE P_CODE = 'BRT-345';

38.  The first step in developing the conceptual model using ER diagrams is to ________. identify, analyze, and refine the business rules

39.  A(n) _____ join will select only the rows with matching values in the common attribute(s).  natural

40.  ANSI defines four events that signal the end of a transaction. Of the following events, which is defined by ANSI as being equivalent to a COMMIT? The end of a program is successfully reached

41.  Disjoint subtypes are subtypes that contain nonunique subsets of the supertype entity set. False

42.  Relational data warehouses use the star schema design technique to handle multidimensional data. True

43.  The transaction processor (TP) is the software component found in each computer that requests data. True

44.  A derived attribute is indicated in the Chen notation by a _____ that connects the attribute and an entity. dashed line.

45.  The property of _____ enables an entity subtype to inherit the attributes and relationships of the supertype. inheritance

46.  When using a HDFS, the ______ node creates new files by communicating with the ______ node.  client; name

47.  SQL supports the conditional execution of procedures (IF-THEN-ELSE statements) that are typically supported by a programming language. False

48.  A _____ distributed database system will support different database management systems (DBMS) that may even support different models running under different computer systems. Fully heterogeneous

49.  In the wait/die scheme, the older transaction (lower timestamp) waits for the younger one to complete and release its locks.

50.  The ______ data model uses the concept of inheritance. object-oriented

51.   Disaster management includes all the end-user activities designed to secure data availability before a physical disaster or a database integrity failure. False


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