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IS5203 Week7 ( 2nd Batch )

 1. Question

Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:09 AM
Value: 1
Answer: DHCP Snooping
2. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:09 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Create Private VLANs
3. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:09 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Move the ports from the default VLAN to a new, unused VLAN and then disable them
4. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:09 AM
Value: 1
5. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:09 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Host A traffic will be denied because, at the end of every access list, there is an implicit deny statement
Score : 5 out of 5 (100%)
5. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:10 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Check the IP routing table
6. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:10 AM
Value: 1
Answer: VLAN assignment
7. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:10 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Broadcast storm
8. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:10 AM
Value: 1
Answer: Windows firewall is enabled, and port 8443 is not allowing traffic
9. Question
Item completed: 02/25/2022 10:10 AM
Value: 1
Answer: traceroute
Score : 5 out of 5 (100%)
At what layer of the OSI model do proxy servers operate?
Which of the following ACL commands would permit web-browsing traffic from any IP address to any IP address?
Which of the following criteria can a packet-filtering firewall not use to determine whether to accept or deny traffic?
What information in a transmitted message might an IDS use to identify network threats?
Which principle ensures auditing processes are managed by someone other than the employees whose activities are being audited?
Who is responsible for the security of hardware on which a public cloud runs?
Which of the following is not one of the AAA services provided by RADIUS and TACACS+?
Which device would allow an attacker to make network clients use an illegitimate default gateway?
Which policy ensures messages are discarded when they don't match a specific firewall rule?
Active Directory and 389 Directory Server are both compatible with which directory access protocol?


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