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IS5113 FINAL WEEk-8 All Quizes

1.Which of the following functionalities joins every record of the dataset with every other record of another dataset?

A) cartesian product

2. Which of the following types of Tableau data spreads of a single row over multiple coloums?

A) Wide

3. In Tableau, which of the following functions provides the use with the ability to reference value in other rows?

A) Lookup()

4. Which of the following keys in tableau provides an option to autocomplete a word?

A) Tab

5. In Tableau, Which of the following tread models follows an S-shapes curve?

A) Polynomial

6. In Tableau, which of the following models helps in predicting and visualizing the future values?

A) Forecasting

7. Which of the following types of tableau data spreads a measure of a single row over multiple columns?

A) Wide

8. Which of the following functionalities joins ever record of the dataset with every other record of another dataset?

A) Cartesian product

9. Which of the following keys is used for joining the fact tables to the related dimesion?

A) Surrogate

10. Which of the following features of Tableau defines a collection of record from the data source?

A) Set

11. Which of the following software provides the user with a platform to view, interpret, and make key decision based on the data while working within the cycle of analytics?

A) Tableau

12. Which of the following steps of the analytics cycle provides the user with the ability to create fully interactive dashboards using visualizations and insights?

A) Data storytelling

13. In Tableau, which of the following techniques defines the geographic regions created by the users?

A) Custom territory

14.Which of the following components of the Tableau sheet interface provides the user with the basic functionalities such as to add a data source, save, undo, and redo?

A) Toolbar

15. Which of the following data source connectors provides the user with the ability to remove and join any data sources using programming languages?

A) Extract API

16. Which of the following features of Tableau stores information about the connections and all the available fields?

A) Data source

17. Which of the following functionalities is used to concatenate data tableau?

A) union

18. Which of the following Tableau feature contains values that determine value that level of at detail at which the measures are aggregated?

A) Dimensions

19. Which of the following extracts allows the user to add only the new rows of data based on the specified fields?

A) Incremental refresh

20. Which of the following products allows the user to interact with the visualizations, dashboards, and created in the tableau Desktop?

A) Tableau Reader

21. In Tableau, which of the following fields contains distinct and disparate value?

A) Discrete

22. Which of the following Tableau product is installed on one of more host machines?

A) Tableau Server

23. Which of the following types uses differing widths of the bars to communicate additional information about the data?

A) Marimekko

24. Which of the following of tableau is an arrangement of individual visualization along with of other components on a single canvas?

A) Dashboard

25. In Tableau, which of the following steps is responsible for starting the flow with from the file, tables, views, or custom SQL?

A) Input

26. Which of the following tableau features is responsible for eliminating the unnecessary joins from the queries?

A) join culling

27. Which of the following types of formats includes font, alignment, sharing, border, and lines?

A) Sheet

28. Which of the following techniques of Tableau allows the user to create a smaller subset of records for providing rapid feedback?

A) Data sampling

29. Which of the following distribution options of the Tableau server provides the user with the ability to programmatically export data in different formats?


30. Which of the following tabs of the filter window allows the user to match the string values?

A) Wildcard

31. Which of the following visualization types allows the user to compare the values across different categories?

A) Bar chart

32. Which of the following clustering algorithms is uses by Tableau to group similar data points?

A) K-means

33. Which of the following chart types shows how the parts are successively built up to whole?

A) Waterfall

34. Which of the following functionalities mergers the disparate data sources?

A) Cross database join

35. Which of the following of Tableau provide the user with the ability to drill down to the details?

A) viz in Tooltip

36. Which of the following types of calculator allows the user to perform aggregations that results in the value at a row-level?

A) Level of detail

37. Which of the following file extension specifies a Tableau data source extracted file?

A) .tdsx

38. Which of the following set types is a list of value for one or more dimensions?

A) Fixed

39. Which of the following techniques of data visualization for adding a bit of intentional to a visualization?

A) Jittering

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40. Which of the following features of Tableau helps in revealing the patterns occurring over time for bringing life to data storytelling?

A) Animated visualization

41. Which of the following visualization types is used for understanding the of events with a duration?

A) Gantt chart

42. Which of the following annotations is associated with a specific symbol in the view?

A) Mark

43. In Tableau, Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to exit the presentation mode?

A) F7

44. Which of the following levels of formatting allows the user to make global changes?

A) Workbook

45. Which of the following line charts is the most commonly used and displays the motion of the value over time?

A) Time series

46. Which of the following Tableau objects defines simple as well as complex geographic areas?

A) Spatial

47. Which of the following features of Tableau defines a series of logical steps and changes that can be applied to the data from input to output?

A) Data flow

48. Which of the following keys creates a copy of the field while moving it from one shelf to another?

A) Ctrl

49. Which of the following features of tableau allows the user to construct sets of various dimensional values that can be used as a primary source?

A) Data scaffolding

50. Which of the following features of Tableau enables the user to find groups or individual data points based on various selections made by the user?

A) Clustering

51. Which of the following components of the Tableau dashboard window allows the objects on the dashboard?

A) Grip

52. Which of the following functions in Tableau is used to break a string into multiple value?


53. Which of the following functions groups in Tableau of the decision-making function?

A) Logical

54. Which of the following features in Tableau is used to store a single or a global value?

A) Parameter

55. Which of the following tabs in Tableau is used to box and whisker plots?

A) Analytics 

56. Which of the following calculations in Tableau can be applied to the fields that are used as a measure in the view?

A) Quick Table Calculations

57. Which of the following features of the Tableau server allows the user to schedule periodic emails of a screenshot the dashboard?

A) Subscribe

58. Which of the following Table calculation functions begins with the value of 1 and keeps increasing by one moving along a given direction within a given scope?

A) Index()

59. Which of the following object types is the default for all the objects added to the dashboard?

A) Tiled

60. Which of the following background user a reversed sequential color palette?

A) Black

61. Which of the following features of tableau allows the user to impart a data story while working with different views, filters , parameters, and images collectively?

A) Dashboard

62. In tableau, which of the following steps allows the user to join two branches o the flow based on one or more key fields?

A) Join

63. Which of the following features of tableau is referred to as view and is single data visualization?

A) Sheet 

64. Which of the following sections in tableau is by default used for placing the calculations with a numeric result?

A) Measures 

65. Which of the following features of tableau is initiated by the user and triggers response?

A) Action

66. Which of the following tableau add-ons provides the user with the ability to monitor and troubleshoot and present a visual experience for cleaning and shaping data?

A) Tableau prep

67. Which of the following file extensions represents a spatial file in tableau?

A) .Kml

68. in Tableau, which of the following statistical measures defines the probability of obtaining the same trend without taking the dimensions into account?

A) P-value

69. Which of the following windows keyboard shortcuts in tableau neglects the cache and refreshes the data from its source?

A) F5

70. Which of the following terms in Tableau defines the boundaries within a table Calculation can reference other value?

A) Scope 

71. Which of the following palettes assigns a starting as an ending number that provides a full intensity that provides a full intensity for both the color ranges?

A) Diverging 

72. In Tableau, which of the following file extensions used to save a package workbook?

A) .twbx

73. Which of the following fields on the Tableau shelf in the view uses a Table Calculation?

A) Delta

74. Which of the following data types forms up the data hierarchy?

A) Date part

75. In Tableau, Which of the following techniques is used to dynamically show or hide the views on a dashboard?

A) Sheet swapping

76. Which of the following types of level of details calculations is used to omit the defined dimensions from the view?

A) Exclude

77. Which of the following types of bar charts is used for comparing a measure a goal?

A) Bullet graph

78. How many entries are allowed by a format string in Tableau?

A) Three

79. The multiple mark types are located beside other on which two shelves in Tableau?

A) Rows, Columns

80. In Tableau, Which of the following modes helps the users in building flows, adding steps, making changes, and interacting with the data?

A) Design

81. Which of the following actions focuses on specific marks and headers in one or more views?

A) Highlight 

82. Which of the following calculations is slower than the Boolean numeric calculations?

A) String

83. Which of the following features of Tableau helps the user to quickly the confidence intervals, percentages, percentiles, quantiles, and standard deviations of the dataset?

A) Distributions 

84. Which of the following Tableau utilities provides the user with the ability to export data, images, or documents via the command line?

A) Tabcmd 

85. Which of the following direction options when used on tables increments index over the entire table?

A) table (across) 

86. Which of the following approaches to building a dashboard indicates the good versus the poor performance?

A) key performance indicators

87. Which of the following visualization types displays the part-to-whole relationships?

A) Pie chart 

88. In Tableau, which of the following functions operates across all the rows in the partition at once and performs the aggregation of the first levels row in the Tableau sheet?

A) window_sum() 

89. Which of the following keys should the hold down while dragging an object to convert it from tiled to floating or vice versa?

A) shift

90. Which of the following query languages provides a standard way of defining queries related to the data based on the arrangement of different fields in the view?

A) Visual Query Language 

91. In Tableau, Which of the following steps steps defines the ultimate destination for the cleaned and transformed data?

A) output 

92. Which of the following trend models displays a steady increase or the value of the variables over the period of time?

A) Linear

93. Which of the following fields contains disparate value?

A) Discrete 

94. Which of the following charts user multiple mark types in the same visualization?

A) Combination chart

95. Which of the following types of joins is used to return only the matching records form both the tables?

A) Inner

96. Which of the following features of Tableau consists of a code that is made up of different functions, operations, and reference to the other fields?

A) Calculation 

97. Which of the following calculations in Tableau, allows the user to add the calculated fields to the shelves in a single view?

A) Ad hoc

98.Which of the following visualization types is used for displaying the hierarchical relationships?

A) Treemap

99. Which of the following Tableau terms incident that the missing values or records are filed-in?

A) Data densification 

100. In tableau, which of the following functions allows integration with the R analytics platform or Python?

A) Script 

101. In Tableau, which of the following visualization types uses multiple small strokes designed for rapid reading and comparison?

A) Spark Lines

102. Which of the following format options provides the user with the ability for row and column banding?

A) Shading


Which of the following features of Tableau is an arrangement of individual visualizations along with the other components on a single canvas?


Which of the following features in Tableau is used to store a single or a global value?


Which of the following query languages provides a standard way of defining queries related to the data based on the arrangement of different fields in the view?

Visual Query Language

In Tableau, which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to exit the presentation mode?


Which of the following features of Tableau allows the user to narrate a tale using the interactive snapshots of dashboards and views?


Which of the following file extensions specifies a Tableau Data Source extracted file?


Which of the following Tableau add-ons provides the user with the ability to monitor and troubleshoot and present a visual experience for cleaning and shaping data?

Tableau Prep

Which of the following line charts is the most commonly used and displays the motion of the values over time?

Time series

Which of the following visualization types allows the user to compare the values across different categories?

Bar chart

Which of the following object types is the default for all the objects added to the dashboard?


 Which of the following fields contains disparate value?


Which of the following direction options when used on tables increments Index over the entire table?

Table (across)

Which of the following terms in Tableau defines the boundaries within which a Table Calculation can reference other values?


In Tableau, which of the following steps is responsible for starting the flow with data from the files, tables, views, or custom SQL?


   Which of the following tabs in Tableau is used to add box and whisker plots?


In Tableau, which of the following modes helps the users in building flows, adding steps, making changes, and interacting with the data?


Which of the following calculations in Tableau can be applied to the fields that are used as a measure in the view?

Quick Table Calculations

Which of the following features of Tableau provides the user with the ability to drill down to the details?

Viz in Tooltip

In Tableau, which of the following fields contains distinct and disparate values?


Which of the following keys should the user hold down while dragging an object to convert it from tiled to floating or vice versa?


Which of the following Tableau products is installed on one or more host machines?

Tableau Server

Which of the following visualization types is used for understanding the sequence of events with a duration?

Gantt chart

Which of the following Table Calculation functions begins with the value of 1 and keeps increasing by one moving along a given direction within a given scope?


Which of the following features of Tableau enables the user to find groups or individual data points based on various selections made by the user?


Which of the following data source connectors provides the user with the ability to remove and join any data sources using programming languages?

Extract API

In Tableau, which of the following visualization types uses multiple small strokes designed for rapid reading and comparison?

Spark Lines

Which of the following components of the Tableau Sheet interface provides the user with the basic functionalities such as to add a data source, save, undo, and redo?


Which of the following functionalities merges the disparate data sources?

Cross database join

Which of the following types of level of detail calculations is used to omit the defined dimensions from the view?


Which of the following features of Tableau allows the user to construct sets of various dimensional values that can be used as a primary source?

Data scaffolding

In Tableau, which of the following statistical measures defines the probability of obtaining the same trend result without taking the dimensions into account?


In Tableau, which of the following chart types displays a change of value from one period to another?


Which of the following features of Tableau allows the user to impart a data story while working with different views, filters, parameters, and images collectively?


Which of the following set types is a list of values for one or more dimensions?


Which of the following types of joins is used to return only the matching records from both the tables?


Which of the following features of the Tableau Server allows the user to schedule periodic emails of a screenshot of the dashboard?


Which of the following clustering algorithms is used by Tableau to group similar data points?


Which of the following file extensions represents a spatial file in Tableau?


In Tableau, which of the following techniques defines the geographic regions created by the users?

Custom territory

Which of the following Windows keyboard shortcuts in Tableau neglects the cache and refreshes the data from its source?


Which of the following chart types uses differing widths of the bars to communicate additional information about the data?


Which of the following techniques of Tableau allows the user to create a smaller subset of records for providing rapid feedback?

Data sampling

Which of the following sections in Tableau is by default used for placing the calculations with a numeric result?


Which of the following Tableau features is responsible for eliminating the unnecessary joins from the queries?

Join culling

Which of the following techniques of data visualization is used for adding a bit of intentional noise to a visualization?


Which of the following features of Tableau is referred to as view and is single data visualization?


Which of the following format options provides the user with the ability for row and column banding?


Which of the following keys is used for joining the fact tables to the related dimension?


Which of the following software provides the user with a platform to view, interpret, and make key decisions based on the data while working within the cycle of analytics?


 Which of the following components of the Tableau dashboard window allows the movement of objects on the dashboard?


Which of the following types of bar charts is used for comparing a measure with a goal?

Bullet graph

Which of the following types of Tableau data spreads a measure of a single row over multiple columns?


Which of the following Tableau objects defines simple as well as complex geographic areas?


 Which of the following features of Tableau stores information about the connections and all the available fields?

Data source

Which of the following functions groups in Tableau consists of the decision-making function?


Which of the following annotations is associated with a specific symbol in the view?


 Which of the following date types forms up the date hierarchy?

Date part

Which of the following palettes assigns a starting as well as an ending number that provides a full intensity for both the color ranges?


Which of the following types of calculation allows the user to perform aggregations that result in the value at a row-level?

Level of detail

In Tableau, which of the following functions operates across all the rows in the partition at once and performs the aggregation of the first level row in the Tableau sheet?


Which of the following functionalities is used to concatenate the data tables?


 In Tableau, which of the following functions allows integration with the R analytics platform or Python?


 Which of the following approaches to building a dashboard indicates the good versus the poor performance?

Key Performance Indicators

Which of the following features of Tableau is initiated by the user and triggers a response?


 In Tableau, which of the following features defines the arrangement of the visualizations on a single canvas?


 Which of the following visualization types displays the part-to-whole relationships?

Pie chart

In Tableau, which of the following steps allows the user to join two branches of the flow based on one or more key fields?


 Which of the following trend models displays a steady increase or decrease in the value of the variables over the period of time?


Which of the following Tableau terms indicates that the missing values or records are filled-in?

Data densification

Which of the following features of Tableau helps the user to quickly visualize the confidence intervals, percentages, percentiles, quantiles, and standard deviations of the dataset?


In Tableau, which of the following steps defines the ultimate destination for the cleaned and transformed data?


 In Tableau, which of the following trend models follows an S-shaped curve?


In Tableau, which of the following file extensions is used to save a packaged workbook?


Which of the following background uses a reversed sequential color palette?


Which of the following products allows the user to interact with the visualizations, dashboards, and stories created in the Tableau Desktop?

Tableau Reader

Which of the following extracts allows the user to add only the new rows of data based on the specified fields?

Incremental refresh

Which of the following types of formatting includes font, alignment, shading, border, and lines?


 Which of the following features of Tableau defines a series of logical steps and changes that can be applied to the data from input to output?

Data flow

 Which of the following keys creates a copy of the field while moving it from one shelf to another?


Which of the following charts uses multiple mark types in the same visualization?

Combination chart

Which of the following calculations is slower than the Boolean and numeric calculations?


 Which of the following calculations in Tableau allows the user to add the calculated fields to the shelves in a single view?

Ad hoc

Which of the following fields on the Tableau shelf in the view uses a Table Calculation?


 Which of the following chart types shows how the parts are successively built up to a whole?


 Which of the following keys in Tableau provides an option to autocomplete a word?


Which of the following tabs of the Filter window allows the user to match the string values?


 The multiple mark types are located beside each other on which two shelves in Tableau?

Rows, Columns

Which of the following functions in Tableau is used to break a string into multiple values?


Which of the following visualization types is used for displaying the hierarchical relationships?


 Which of the following levels of formatting allows the user to make global changes?


 Which of the following Tableau utilities provides the user with the ability to export data, images, or documents via the command line?


 Which of the following calculations is performed after the initial query in Tableau?


In Tableau, which of the following models helps in predicting and visualizing the future values?


How many entries are allowed by a format string in Tableau?


 Which of the following distribution options of the Tableau Server provides the user with the ability to programmatically export data in different formats?


Which of the following features of Tableau helps in revealing the patterns occurring over time for bringing life to data storytelling?

Animated visualization

Which of the following Tableau features contains values that determine the level of detail at which the measures are aggregated?


 Which of the following steps of the analytics cycle provides the user with the ability to create fully interactive dashboards using visualizations and insights?

Data storytelling

Which of the following functionalities joins every record of the dataset with every other record of another dataset?

Cartesian product

Which of the following features of Tableau consists of a code that is made up of different functions, operations, and references to the other fields?


1. Which of the following keys creates a copy of the field while moving it from one shelf to another?

A. Ctrl

2. Which of the following features of Tableau provides the user with the ability to drill down to the details?

A. Viz in Tooltip

3. The ______ functions allow integration with the R analytics platform or Python.

A. Script

4. The ________ visualization type is used for displaying the hierarchical relationships.

A. treemap

5. Which of the following functions begins with the value of 1 and keeps increasing by one moving along a given direction within a given scope?

A. Index()

6. What is a dimension?

A. A value that determines the level of detail at which the measures are aggregated


7. What is the function of an incremental refresh

A. It allows a user to add only new rows of data based on the specific fields.

8. The _______ key is used for joining the fact tables to the related dimension.

A. surrogate

9. The keyboard shortcut in Tableau that neglects the cache and refreshes the data from its source is:

A. F5

10. In Tableau, which of the following fields contains distinct and disparate values?

A. Discrete


11.By default, all the objects added to the dashboard are:

A. tiled

12. Which of the following calculations allows a user to add the calculated fields to the shelves in a single view without adding fields to the data pane?

A. Ad hoc

13. Which of the following defines the boundaries within which a table calculation can reference other values?

A. Scope


14. Which of the following date fields represents a specific measure of the date, such as the quarter or month?

A. Date part

15. Which of the following is referred to as a view and is single data visualization?

A. Sheet

16. Which of the following consists of a code made up of different functions, operations, and references to the other fields?

A. Calculation


17. Which type of data spreads a measure of a single row over multiple columns?

A. Wide

18. Which type of chart uses differing widths of the bars to communicate additional information about the data?

A. Marimekko

19. The clustering algorithm used by Tableau to group similar data points is:

A. k-means

20.Which of the following statements is true regarding clustering?

A. It enables a user to find groups or individual data points based on various selections made by him.

21.Which of the following types of joins is used to return only the matching records from both the left and right tables?

A. Inner

22. A ____ set is a list of values for one or more dimensions. If the values for a single record are present in the list defined by the set, then the record is in the set else out.

A. fixed

23. Which of the following calculations is slower than the boolean and numeric calculations?

A. String

In Tableau, which of the following file extensions is used to save a packaged workbook?

A. .twbx

The ______ mode helps users in building flows, adding steps, making changes, and interacting with the data.

A. design

The _______ function is used to break a string into multiple values.


Which of the following components is used to undo, redo, save, and add a data source?

A. Toolbar

What is a linear trend model?

A. A trend model that displays a steady increase or decrease in the value of the variables over a period of time


The Tableau feature responsible for eliminating the unnecessary joins from the queries is:

A. join culling

The visualization type that uses multiple small strokes designed for rapid reading and comparison is:

A. sparklines

Which of the following functions operates across all the rows in the partition at once and performs the aggregation of the first level row in the Tableau sheet?

A. Window_Sum()

The Subscribe feature of the toolbar allows a user to:

A. schedule periodic emails of a screenshot of the dashboard

Which of the following chart types shows how the parts are successively built up as a whole?

A. Waterfall

A type of line chart that displays the motion of the values over time is a:

A. time series

Which statistical measure defines the probability of obtaining the same trend result without taking the dimensions into account?

A. P-value

A _________ file extension represents a spatial file in Tableau.

A. .kml

The background that uses a reversed sequential color palette is:

A. black

Which of the following fields contains disparate value?

A. Discrete

What does the Shading format option include?

A. Row and column banding

What is a level of detail calculation?

A. A calculation that allows a user to perform aggregations that result in the value at a row level


What is the technique of data visualization that involves adding a bit of intentional noise to a visualization to avoid overlap without harming the integrity of what is being communicated called?

A. Jittering

What is Tableau Reader?

A. A free application provided by Tableau Software that allows a user to interact with the visualizations, dashboards, and stories created in Tableau Desktop

Which of the following Tableau products is installed on one or more host machines?

A. Tableau Server

Which of the following statements is true regarding a dashboard?

A. It allows a user to impart a data story while working with different views, filters, parameters, and images collectively.


Which of the following keys in Tableau provides an option to autocomplete a word?

A. Tab

The Tableau add-on that provides a user with the ability to monitor and troubleshoot and present a visual experience for cleaning and shaping data is:

A. Tableau Prep

Which of the following types of level of detail calculations is used to omit the defined dimensions from the view?

A. Exclude

Which of the following steps of the analytics cycle provides a user with the ability to create fully interactive dashboards using visualizations and insights?

A. Data storytelling

Which of the following charts uses multiple mark types in the same visualization?

A. Combination chart

Which of the following techniques allows a user to create a smaller subset of records for providing rapid feedback?

A. Data sampling

Which of the following statements is true regarding the mark annotation?

A. It is linked to a specific mark and will not be visible if the mark is filtered out or falls outside the axis range.

A field on a shelf in the view that is using a table calculation, or which is a calculated field using table calculation functions, will have a ______ symbol icon.

A. delta

Which of the following features allows a user to narrate a tale using the interactive snapshots of dashboards and views?

A. Story

Which of the following tabs in Tableau is used to add box and whisker plots?

A. Analytics

Which of the following calculations is performed after the initial query in Tableau?

A. Table

Which of the following provides a user with the ability to programmatically export data in different formats?


______ objects define geographic areas that are as simple as a point and as complex as multi-sided polygons.

A. Spatial

Which of the following software provides a user with a platform to view, interpret, and make key decisions based on the data while working within the cycle of analytics?

A. Tableau

The functionality used to concatenate the data tables that bring together the rows of each table into a single data source is:

A. union

Which of the following features of Tableau is an arrangement of individual visualizations along with the other components on a single canvas?

A. Dashboardand

 What is the process that allows a user to construct sets of various dimensional values that can be used as a primary source called?

A. Data scaffolding

Which tab of the Filter window allows a user to match the string values that contain start with, end with, or exactly match a given value?

A. Wildcard

A _______ step allows a user to connect two branches of the flow based on one or more key fields.

A. join

Which of the following steps is responsible for starting the flow with data from the files, tables, views, or custom SQL?

A. Input


Why is a pie chart used in Tableau?

A. To display the part-to-whole relationships

Which function group consists of the decision-making functions?

A. Logical

What is VizQL?

A. A query language that provides a standard way of defining queries related to the data based on the arrangement of different fields in the view


What is a dashboard?

A. An arrangement of individual visualizations, along with other components, such as legends and filters arranged on a single canvas

The visualization type used for understanding the sequence of events with a duration is a:

A. Gantt chart

Which of the following merges the disparate data sources?

A. Cross-database join


Which of the following stores information about the connections and all the available fields?

A. Data source

Which of the following features of Tableau helps in revealing the patterns occurring over time for bringing life to data storytelling?

A. Animated visualization

Which of the following trend models follows an S-shaped curve?

A. Polynomial

What is a series of logical steps and changes that can be applied to the data from input to output called?

A. Data flow

Which of the following components allows the movement of objects on the dashboard?

A. Grip

_______ level formatting allows a user to make global changes.

A. Workbook

Which of the following is a user-initiated event that triggers a response?

A. Action

What defines a collection of records from the data source?

A. Set

In a Tableau worksheet, if you set the Index to Table (across then down), how will the Index values increment?

A. Horizontally across the entire table, then steps down, continues to increment across, and repeats for the entire table

Which of the following file extensions specifies a Tableau Data Source extracted file?

A. .tdsx

Tableau treats any calculation with a numeric result as a _____ by default.

A. measure


Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to exit the Presentation Mode?

A. F7

The maximum number of entries allowed by a format string in Tableau is:

A. three


Which of the following data source connectors provides the user with the ability to remove and join any data sources using programming languages?

A. Extract API

A placeholder for a single or global value such as a number, date, or string is called a:

A. parameter

Which key should a user hold down while dragging an object to convert it from tiled to floating or vice versa?

A. Shift

Which of the following types of formatting includes font, alignment, shading, border, and lines?

A. Sheet

The multiple mark types are located beside each other on which two shelves in Tableau?

A. Rows, Columns

What does an output step define?

A. The ultimate destination for the cleaned and transformed data

Which of the following is a feature of a bar chart?

A. It allows a user to compare the values across different categories.

 Which of the following types of bar chart is used for comparing a measure with a goal?

A. Bullet graph

Which of the following techniques is used to dynamically show or hide the views on a dashboard?

A. Sheet swapping

The _______ utility provides a user with the ability to export data, images, or documents via the command line.

A. tabcmd

Which of the following functions provides a user with the ability to reference values in other rows?

A. Lookup()

What are quick table calculations?

A. Predefined calculations that can be applied to any field used as a measure in the view

Which of the following techniques defines the geographic areas or regions that users create as opposed to those that are built in?

A. Custom territory

What does joining every record of the dataset with every other record of another dataset create?

A. Cartesian product

How does the diverging palette in Tableau represent data values?

A. It assigns a starting and ending number to create two ranges of color intensity, blending from one color to another to display the difference between positive and negative values.


_________ helps a user to quickly visualize the confidence intervals, percentages, percentiles, quantiles, and standard deviations of the dataset.

A. Distribution

Which model helps in predicting and visualizing future values?

A. Forecasting

 Which of the following Tableau products is installed on one or more host machines?

Tableau Server

Which of the following provides a user with the ability to programmatically export data in different formats?



What is Tableau Reader?

A free application provided by Tableau Software that allows a user to interact with the visualizations, dashboards, and stories created in Tableau Desktop

The _______ utility provides a user with the ability to export data, images, or documents via the command line.


In Tableau, which of the following file extensions is used to save a packaged workbook?


Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to exit the Presentation Mode?


The Subscribe feature of the toolbar allows a user to:

schedule periodic emails of a screenshot of the dashboard



Which of the following code snippets will return the domain name from the provided email address?


What are the benefits of Visual Query Language?

It transforms the user actions into a database query.

It allows a user to explore the dataset

It enables real-time data visualization as a user interacts with the dataset.

Which of the following sections provide a user with the option to preview based on the target device?

Size, Sheets, and Objects


Ryan is provided with a data set that contains the employment data of an industry for the year 2014-2019 for New York City. He wants to analyze the job distribution and the changes in various industries, and display the result in the form of a bar chart with some stylistic visualization to represent the data value. Which of the following types of charts should he use to represent the data in a stylistic way?

Lollipop chart


Emily is a data analyst working for a real estate company that wants to visualize and compare trends in property prices across different neighborhoods over the past decade. She needs to identify neighborhoods with the highest appreciation rates in property prices and analyze how trends have evolved over time. Which of the following charts will she use to accomplish the task?



In Tableau, which of the following constraints are responsible for disabling the forecast model?

The view does not use a Table Calculation.

The view aggregation and the forecast aggregation are not compatible.

The view uses a relational database.


What are the different methods of creating a parameter?

Use the drop-down menu next to Dimensions in the Data pane and select Create Parameter.

Right-click on an empty area in the Data pane and select Create Parameter

Charles, who works in the admission division of a college is working on a report in Tableau. He needs to provide the details of the students along with the academic scores throughout the semesters. The data source for student details provided to him contains some invalid data like the student name entered in the roll number column, improper email format used, and so forth. He needs to rapidly identify this invalid data to work with the report. Which of the following features will help him identify such data?

Data Roles

Which of the following points need to be taken into consideration while working with addressing and partitioning?

The At the Level option in the edit table calculation dialog box allows a user to specify a level at which the table calculations are performed.

The Restarting Every option allows a user to maintain the fine-tuning of the ordering.

A user can specify the sort order.


A financial institution has decided to add a new subject, Tableau, to its curriculum. This subject will include topics such as the different visualization types, views, dashboards, and Tableau products that will be used in real-life scenarios. Which of the following Tableau products will be best suited for this purpose?

Tableau Public

Stella, a data analyst, is provided with the dataset of a college showing the details of the admissions that took place in the last five years. She has been asked to plot a graph representing the change in the number of admissions from the year 2015 to 2019 in an interactive way. Which of the following chart types should she use to show the change between the two data points?


Which of the following actions are performed by a parameter?

Altering the results of a calculation

Changing the size of the bin

Passing values to a custom SQL statement

Dennis, a data analyst, has been asked to plot a graph displaying the per capita income of the states in a country using the range of a particular color, with the lighter tone indicating the lowest per capita income and the darker shade of the same color signifying the highest per capita income. Which of the following color palettes will help him accomplish the task?


Jason has some data related to sales from different regions year-wise. He wants to calculate the percentage of sales from California over the total regions for which he has applied the formula:

Tableau calculation cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments.

A survey was conducted by a private firm regarding the common activities performed by people going from home to work across the city. Jefferson had collected the survey data in a one-row-per-respondent format. Due to this, it has become challenging for him to analyze the survey data as for each question there is a separate column for its response. He wants to reshape the dataset into a format that will help in an easy analysis by reducing the number of columns. Which of the following data structures should he consider to reshape the dataset?


Jennifer works as a data analyst. She has prepared a working hours report for the previous month of all the employees working in the organization. There are some missing entries in the report as the working hours of some employees were not captured by the system. She needs to fill in those missing entries based on the nearby values. Which of the following Tableau features should she opt to accomplish the task?

Domain padding

What are the multiple ways to create an extract?

Select the Extract radio button on the Data Source screen.

Right-click the data source on the Data pane and select the Extract data option.

Developers can create an extract using the Tableau Data Extract API.

John wants to narrate a story to the end-users using the different related views which, upon combining in a sequence, will form a complete story as a whole. Which of the following components of Tableau would help him complete the task?


Henry is provided with the furniture sales data for the last five months from different data sources. He has been asked to import these disparate data sources and combine them into one to carry out further calculations and analysis. Which of the following steps should he use to combine the different data sources based on the fields he selects?


How can a trend line be added to the visualization in Tableau?

From the menu, select Analysis | Trend Lines | Show Trend Lines.

Right-click the empty area in the pane of the view and select Show Trend Lines.

Click the Analytics tab and drag and drop the Trend Line on the desired trend model.

Aiden, a deputy finance manager, uses Tableau for managing the sales-related data for his organization. He has to conduct a seminar representing the sales trends of the company for the last ten years and also show a predictive analysis of the values in the coming future. Which of the following charts should he use to represent the desired trend?


What are the prerequisites for creating a non-Cartesian chart type?

The mark type must be changed based on the desired chart type.

Use any field as a measure on Size.

No continuous fields must be used on Rows or Columns.

Which of the following story components captures the filters and selections made by a user on a sheet without changing its structure?

Story point

Which of the following statements are true regarding a cluster group?

The individual members of a cluster group can be moved among the groups.

It can be used in the calculated fields.

It can be aliased.

Which of the following considerations should be kept in mind while publishing a visualization to Tableau Public?

With Tableau Desktop and the proper permissions, a user can save and open workbooks to and from Tableau Public using the Server menu and selecting options under Tableau Public.

Workbooks saved to Tableau Public can contain any number of data source connections, but they must all be extracted and must not contain more than 15 million rows of extracted data each.

With the free Tableau Public client, a user can only save workbooks to and from the web.

Liam is working on a data source that gives the rank of a sport based on the sum of skills needed for that sport like strength, power, speed, etc. Since the number of skills is more, it takes up too many columns of the dataset to work on. Liam wants to convert these column-wise data into row-wise as it will be easier for him to work and analyze. Which of the following primary steps of the Tableau Prep should he use to perform the task?


Emily, a data analyst for an e-commerce company, is tasked with creating a ranked list of the top-selling products for each quarter. She needs to assign a rank to each product based on its sales within each quarter, without altering the original dataset or adding new fields to the data pane. This will help her management quickly identify the best-performing products over time. Which Tableau function should Emily use to dynamically assign a rank to each product based on sales within each quarter in a single view?



Ronald has some data related to flight bookings. He has prepared two sheets in Tableau, one containing a list of the countries showing the number of flights landing in that country, and another sheet showing a map displaying the average cost of the flight bookings country-wise. He wants to combine the sheet by using the map as a filter for the first sheet in an interactive way. Which of the following approaches of building a dashboard will help him display the combined sheet in a single view?


Liam, a data analyst, is working on a project for a retail chain. He needs to create a dashboard that displays the total sales for each store and ensures that the calculation of these sales is consistent, regardless of how he arranges the dimensions in his view. Which of the following table calculation types will help him perform the task?


Mark works as a data analyst for a healthcare organization that wants to visualize patient satisfaction scores across different departments over the past years. He needs to identify patterns in satisfaction levels and determine which departments consistently have the highest or lowest scores. Which visualization type will he use to analyze and compare patient satisfaction scores across various departments over time?

Heat map

A customer service center uses Tableau to manage the data for its customers. They have used a hosted version of the software to get rid of the server configuration and maintenance and also provide an option to work remotely. As the software is a hosted version, it facilitates the option to connect to any data source anywhere. Which of the following Tableau products is being used by the organization?

Tableau Cloud

John works as a data analyst for an XYZ company. He has created a view in Tableau for the presentation. His manager has asked him to modify the visualization type of the objects and fields already present in the view. Which of the following Tableau components will help him accomplish the task?

Show Me

Which of the following modes allows a user to view the dashboards in fullscreen by hiding all the toolbars, panes, and authoring objects?


Oliver is provided with an Excel sheet containing some unstructured data. The sheet contains the product details for a hundred items and thereafter, the same sheet contains some transactional data. He has been asked to separate both the data sets and import them into separate files using Tableau. Which of the following Tableau components should he use to accomplish the task?

Data Interpreter

In Tableau, which of the following applications are related to transparency?

Floating multiple worksheets on top of each other and still be able to see each layer

Layering the visualizations on top of each other and over background images

Overlaying transparent worksheets onto a dashboard background image

David works as a data analyst. He wants to view the sales data for the last five financial years of the company to analyze the sales and profit trends. Which of the following file types should he use to save the extracted data in a binary file?


The Tableau feature that summarizes the information about all the available fields is ___________.


Andrew works as a data analyst for an organization. One of his teammates is on emergency leave, and the client has requested information on a priority basis. He wants to locate the tasks, performance, and queries executed by his colleague so that he can provide accurate information requested by the client. Which of the following features of Tableau would help him accomplish the task?

Performance Recorder

Presley has prepared six sheets in Tableau that contain different types of data. He wants to display all of the six sheets on the dashboard and wants to ensure that each of the sheets occupies relatively the same amount of space and appears in a square grid layout. Which of the following Tableau features should he use to get the desired result?

Tiled layout

Harry, a data analyst, is working on a college placement module. He has been provided with the student, course, and company details stored in different tables. He has been asked to combine the data of all the tables and store the placement details in a single table. Which of the following data models should he use to combine all the details of different tables in a single table?

Star schema

Which of the following keys are responsible for ensuring a good data structure to work with?

Every record of a source data connection should be at a meaningful level of detail.

Every measure contained in the source should match the level of detail or possibly be at a higher level of detail.

Which of the following levels of formatting allows a user to change the fonts, alignment, shading, and number and date formats?


William has been asked to prepare a consolidated report in Tableau containing data from his organization related to financial trends that are present in the form of flat files. Which of the following file types can he use to achieve his target?

Spatial files

Text files

Excel documents are the multiple ways to create an extract?

What are the applications of the Viz in Tooltip?

It has the ability to drill down into the details.

It can show the different aspects of the data.

It allows the end-user to view parts of the whole within a broader context.

Alexandra works as a data analyst for a retail chain and is tasked with analyzing the distribution of customer purchase amounts at various store locations. She needs to identify store locations where customers tend to spend significantly higher or lower amounts compared to the overall average. Which of the following visualization types should she opt to accomplish the goal?

Box plot

Giselle is working as a data manager for a Sales Corporation. She has to create a detailed report of the sales activity, where she has to show the increase in sales per year for the past ten years. For this, she needs to perform a few calculations on the data such as running total, moving average, percent difference, etc. Which of the following calculations should she use to accomplish the task?

Quick table

Max works as a data administrator. He uses statistical tools, such as SAS and R, to generate files. Which of the following file extensions can be generated by Max using those statistical tools?




Which of the following visualization types allows a user to understand part-to-whole relationships?

Stacked bar chart

Watson works in a stock market exchange and provides consultancy to new members who want to be a part of it. He aims to create a trend model for his clients to analyze the company's sales over the last five months. The data represents the law of diminishing returns. Which of the following trend models should he implement to accomplish the task?


David has collected data related to the pandemic cases across the world from different data sources and combined them into one. After importing this combined data into Tableau, he found that there are some rows in the data set where the same country name is written in different forms like United States, USA, and US. He wants to make the data consistent so that he can perform calculations and analysis on them. Which of the following steps should he use to make the data consistent?


 Which of the following approaches to building a dashboard indicates good versus poor performance?

A. Scorecard/Status snapshot

Which of the following statements is true regarding the mark annotation?

It is linked to a specific mark and will not be visible if the mark is filtered out or falls outside the axis range.

What is a slope chart?

A. A type of chart that displays a change of value from one period to another

The ______ action focuses on specific marks and headers in one or more views.
A. highlight








































































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