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GE5103 Week 1 (1.3 test & 2-assignment)



1. A project is a time-bound effort constrained by performance specifications, resources, and budget to create a unique product or service.

 a. True

 b. False


2. Operations consist of the ongoing work needed to ensure that an organization continues to function effectively.

 a. True

 b. False


3. A project manager needs to be concerned with achieving desired scope and quality (often called performance), subject to constraints of time and cost.

 a. True

 b. False


4. Many different project life cycle models are used for different types of projects, such as information systems, improvement, research and development, and construction.

 a. True

 b. False


5. Generally,the pace of work and amount of money spent remains consistent from one life cycle stage to another.

 a. True

 b. False


6. The name and number of phases in a project life cycle are determined by the organization(s) involved in the project.

 a. True

 b. False


7. Communications Management, one of the ten PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas, entails the processes to identify the people, groups, or organizations, that could impact or be impacted by the project, analyze their expectations and impact, and develop strategies for engaging them in project decisions and execution.

 a. True

 b. False


8. The only critical measures of project success are completing the project on schedule and on budget.

 a. True

 b. False


9. In agile projects, the customer representative role is passive, and their involvement is typically limited to the early stages of the project.

 a. True

 b. False


10.The Project Management Office (PMO) is comprised of the top leader in the organization (CEO or other officer) and his or her direct reports.

 a. True

 b. False


11. Which of the following examples is NOT a typical or appropriate situation to employ project management?

a. processing deposits and withdrawals in a bank

b. improving a soldering process in an assembly line

c. installing a new accounting application on a server

d. developing a new medical device for use by clinics


12. In an adaptive or change - driven project life cycle:

a. the product is well understood.

b. all planning precedes all executing.

c. the waterfall approach is commonly used.

d. early results lead into planning later work.


13. Which of the following statements correctly describes project management?

a. Project management's goal is to maintain efficiency of ongoing operations.

b. Project management should not involve tradeoffs between scope, schedule and cost.

c. Project management only relies upon checklists to plan and execute the work.

d. Project management uses knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to meet stakeholder needs and expectations


14. Which of the following statements regarding project life cycles is most accurate?

a. Many different project life cycle models are used for different types of projects.

b. All research and development projects use the same four-stage project life cycle model.

c. Project life cycles are very similar regardless of the industry.

d. The project life cycle is the same for the diverse types of projects managed by an organization.


15. Which of the ten knowledge areas defined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully?

a. Scope management

b. Quality management

c. Communications management

d. Stakeholder management


16. Achieving project success is determined by all of the following EXCEPT:

a. involving only important key stakeholders

b. completing the project on schedule and on budget

c. creating deliverables that include all required features

d. providing outputs that please the project's customers


17. Projects are considered successful for all of the reasons below EXCEPT:

a. organizational learning takes place and is captured for future projects

b. the performing organization reaps business-level benefits.

c. the team has used heroics to meet project objectives

d. members of the team learn new skills and/or refine existing skills


18. Project failure can result from all of the following causes EXCEPT:

a. incomplete or unclear requirements

b. unrealistic time demands

c. adequate support from executive management

d. inadequate planning


19. A project manager in agile projects who serves and leads in a collaborative, facilitating manner is called a:

a. sponsor

b. scrum master

c. functional manager

d. program manager


20. From an agile project management perspective, which of these constraints are considered to be fixed?

a. Quality and value

b. Customer satisfaction

c. Scope and time

d. Resources and schedule



1. The first part of setting strategic direction for an organization is to analyze the external and internal environments by preparing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Once the SWOT is complete, the next step is to create a clear and compelling statement describing the inspirational long-term desired change resulting from an organization's work, called a __________.

a. Mission Statement

b. Vision Statement

c. Triple Bottom Line Statement

d. Business Case


2. All of these would typically be included in a mission statement EXCEPT:

a. Organization's core values

b. Organization's beliefs

c. Organization's financial goals

d. Organization's customers


3. In the Build Green Home example of a SWOT analysis, factors including existing thinking on green building and its niche focus, building schedule, and community (location) rumors are all examples of __________.

a. Strengths

b. Weaknesses

c. Opportunities

d. Threats


4.The most widely accepted financial model for selecting projects is _________:

a. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

b. Net Present Value (NPV)

c. Payback Period (PP)

d. Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)


5. Which of these is NOT a disadvantage of using a financial model for project evaluation and selection?

a. Payback period (PP) models do not consider the amount of profit that may be generated after the costs are paid.

b. BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) does not account for intangible benefits and costs that cannot be determined in financial terms.

c. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) can favor smaller projects that create less total value for the firm but have high percentage returns.

d. Use of financial models ensures that selected projects make sense from a cost and return on investment perspective.


6. All of these are advantages of using a scoring model for selecting projects EXCEPT:

a. Scoring models are useful whenever there are multiple projects and several criteria to be considered.

b. Scoring models help ensure alignment with the organization's strategic goals.

c. By comparing expected project costs to expected benefits, scoring models can be used to make project investment decisions.

d. Scoring models can define mandatory decision criteria for project selection.


7. Which of these is NOT an example of types of projects that the organization might include in their portfolio of projects?

a. High-and low-risk projects

b. Short and long-term projects

c. Projects with positive and negative net present value (NPV)

d. Projects to create new products and projects to incrementally improve existing products


8. Who should be involved in identifying potential projects?

a. Executives

b. Program Managers

c. Functional Managers

d. Employees at all Levels


9. Examples of these types of project selection criteria include government regulations and clear safety or security situations.

a. Probability of success

b. Expected return on investment

c. Mandatory criteria

d. Project fit with organizational objectives


10. In a project scoring model, each decision criterion is given a __________.

a. Relative weight

b. Relative cost

c. Relative benefit

d. Statement of work


11. The benefit of performing a sensitivity analysis while using a scoring model to choose projects is:

a. It examines at all project risk factors / variables at once.

b. It identifies the opportunity costs associated with the project.

c. It shows the urgency of different project priorities.

d. It allows management to examine what would happen to a decision if factors were to change


12. If several projects have close scores as the result of a scoring model, what can be done to break the virtual tie?

a. Perform a sensitivity analysis to examine what would happen to the decision if factors changed

b. Use a cost-benefit model to select projects

c. Use a SWOT analysis to select projects

d. Prepare a business case


13. Contractor companies might perform a quick SWOT analysis prior to bidding on a potential project, including all of the considerations below EXCEPT:

a. How well the potential project meets contractor objectives

b. Risks of pursuing vs. not pursuing the project

c. Weighted score for the project

d. The contractor's capability to perform the work if awarded


14. Source selection criteria for selecting a contractor might include: production capacity, business size and type, past performance, and references. These are all examples of typical criteria within which category?

a. Financial

b. Operational

c. Technical

d. Management


15. Which of these would NOT be one of the things that may be negotiated between a client company and a contractor company?

a. Schedule

b. Quality standards

c. Personnel to be assigned to the project

d. Source selection criteria




1. The project charter serves as a formal legal contract between the project team and the project sponsor.

 a. True

 b. False


2. In contrast to a legal contract, the parties to a signed project charter feel obligated to the spirit (as opposed to the letter) of the charter since the project details have not yet been worked out and the specifics will certainly change.

 a. True

 b. False


3. A charter can be used to quickly screen out obviously poor projects.

 a. True

 b. False


4. A project charter can vary in its length from one-page to multiple pages, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

 a. True

 b. False


5. A well-written business case should persuade decision-makers to support the project and inspire the project team members and key stakeholders to work hard towards successful completion of the project.

 a. True

 b. False


6. The project business case provides a high-level description of what the project will accomplish and how it will be done.

 a. True

 b. False


7. The project master network is a high-level plan that indicates a few significant accomplishments that are anticipated over the life of the project.

 a. True

 b. False


8. A key concept in agile projects is that something of value will be delivered at each iteration.

 a. True

 b. False


9. Risks, assumptions and constraints are included in the project charter so that key participants will be aware of what could prevent them from successfully completing the project.

 a. True

 b. False


10. During project charter creation there is typically a very general understanding of the project, so any budget included is approximate and should be called a preliminary budget with a corresponding confidence level for this estimate.

 a. True

 b. False


11. The project charter grants the project team the right to:

a. begin project execution

b. create a detailed project plan

c. write a detailed business case

d. develop the project mission statement


12. The project charter serves all of the following purposes EXCEPT:

a. describes skill sets needed for the project

b. quickly screens out obviously poor projects

c. authorizes the project manager to proceed

d. helps develop a common understanding between the project manager, sponsor and assigned team members


13. During iteration planning in an agile project, agreement is reached regarding:

a. the length of the next sprint.

b. detailed stakeholder requirements.

c. the definition of done.

d. positive and negative risks.


14. Which of the following charter elements defines the project purpose and justifies the necessity of the project?

a. acceptance criteria

b. scope control plan

c. business case

d. scope overview


15. The milestone schedule in the project charter:

a. is a detailed schedule that shows the planned duration for every activity in the project.

b. is a schedule that provides detailed data for when each project activity should begin.

c. is a summary-level schedule that shows how major project tasks are sequenced.

d. is a high-level plan that indicates a few significant accomplishments anticipated over the life of the project.


16. Project charters typically include all of the following elements EXCEPT:

a. detailed resource requirements

b. project constraints

c. negative and positive risks

d. project assumptions


17. Team operating principles are sometimes included in a project charter to enhance team performance. Which of the following statements accurately describes the value of establishing team operating principles?

a. Operating principles describe the specific work each team member will perform.

b. Operating principles are especially helpful for a routine project where participants have worked together before.

c. Operating principles identify the rules along with the punishments to be administered when the rules are broken.

d. Operating principles increase team effectiveness and ensure that all parties are aware of what is expected.


18. A project sponsor is wise not to sign a project charter authorizing work until the project manager and team show that they have ____:

a. learned to work together well.

b. reviewed lessons learned from recently completed projects in order to avoid similar mistakes.

c. prepared a comprehensive schedule and budget.

d. gathered requirements from key stakeholders.


19. Which of the following statements accurately describes the responsibilities typically associated with the development of the project charter?

a. more often than not, the project manager writes the draft project charter.

b. the project manager typically prepares the business case and scope overview.

c. the project sponsor typically prepares the detailed first draft of the charter.

d. the customer typically prepares and signs the charter.


20. On agile projects the first iteration is planned as a milestone with acceptance criteria. However, subsequent milestones and acceptance criteria are determined on a ___:

a. just in time (JIT) basis

b. need-to-know basis

c. first come first served basis

d. first in first out (FIFO) basis

Chapter 3 Assignment

1.  What is the definition of a project charter?


2. All of the statements below accurately describe what an effective project charter should accomplish, EXCEPT:



3. A project charter is similar to a contract in many ways, but there are some differences between the two documents. How are project charters different from contracts?


4. The right length for a typical project charter is generally _________.


5. The signing of the project charter marks the transition between which two phases of the project life cycle?

6. The rough draft of the project charter is typically written by _______.


7. This element of the project charter can be considered to define the project boundaries – it states what is included and what is not included, at a fairly high level.

8. This is defined as an incremental increase in the work of a project without corresponding adjustments to resources, budget or schedule.


9. Adding a background section to a project charter would be helpful in what way?


10. Tracy is working with the project sponsor to create the project charter for a small to medium sized project. In the Milestone Schedule with Acceptance Criteria section of the project charter, how many intermediate milestones should she and the team include?


11. All but one of these is a type of resource that might be included in the Resources Needed section of the charter. Which type of resource would typically NOT be included?


12. Which of these is NOT one of the three reasons that project managers and teams should look at risk when creating the project charter?


13. What are the four columns in a milestone schedule?


14. With whom may the project manager and team need to negotiate when creating the charter?


15. In the Scheduling Options section under the Schedule file tab, changing the "new tasks created" option to _____________ will cause the program to calculate the projects' running schedule based on task start and finish dates.



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