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GE5103 AssT (13) Solutions - Week7 Test



1.      Supply chain operations require managerial processes that span across functional areas within individual organizations, and link trading partners and customers across organizational boundaries.

 a. True

 b. False

2.      During procurement planning, the project team determines which needs can best be met by acquiring products and services from an outside provider, and which can be accomplished by the team.

 a. True

 b. False

3.      Outputs of Plan Procurement Management include the procurement management plan and procurement statement of work.

 a. True

 b. False

4.      On complex projects, despite the importance of factors such as technical capability, managerial capability and previous experience; the selection decision is made mostly or entirely on price.

 a. True

 b. False


5.       In many cases, the proposal prepared by the vendor becomes a part of the final contract.

 a. True

 b. False

6.      A contract is a unilateral, binding document that obligates the seller to furnish supplies or services to the buyer.

 a. True

 b. False

7.      Contract incentives are often used when the buyer wants the seller to meet some defined project metrics, such as finishing the project early, providing a higher level of quality or more features, or anything else that the buyer wants to maximize and is willing to pay for.

 a. True

 b. False

8.      Fixed price contracts provide low risk for the seller, since the buyer will pay a fixed price, regardless of how much the project actually costs the seller.

 a. True

 b. False

9.      One of the important factors that should influence the selection of contract type is how the risk is distributed between the buyer and the seller, and how the project is performed.

 a. True

 b. False

10.  Project partnerships can be advantageous to both the client and the vendor, in terms of improved project execution, flexibility, and reduced bid administration.

 a. True

 b. False


11.  All of the following statements accurately describe supply chain management EXCEPT:

a. It spans across suppliers and producers, resellers, project organizations and consumers.

b. It is a system's approach to managing the entire flow of physical products.

c. It addresses the flow of material, service, monetary and information across supply chain partners.

d. It is a closed-loop system solely within the project organization's boundaries.

12.  Which of the following is one of the PMBOK Guide's three project procurement management processes?

a. Plan supply chain management

b. Manage logistics

c. Conduct procurements

d. Conduct Make-or-Buy Analysis


13.  The procurement management plan:

a. describes how the procurement division will be managed.

b. describes how supply chain partners will be managed.

c. describes how a project team will acquire goods and services from outside the performing organization.

d. describes how sellers will be audited by the procurement team.

14.  The ________ documents the portion of work to be purchased, in enough detail so potential suppliers can decide if they feel they are capable of and interested in providing it.

a. request for information

b. purchase order

c. procurement statement of work

d. request for quotation

15.  Often a project team will start the selection process by establishing a list of potential suppliers. All of the following information sources are frequently used to identify these potential suppliers EXCEPT:

a. supplier catalogs or websites

b. sales personnel

c. stakeholder register

d. trade shows

16. Under normal conditions, which of these contract types poses the greatest risk to the buyer?

a. Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF)

b. Time and Material (T&M)

c. Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP)

d. Fixed-Price-Incentive-Firm (FPIF)

17.All of the following accurately describe the features and characteristics of a contract EXCEPT:

a. A contract obligates the buyer to pay for a specified product or service.

b. A contract obligates the seller to provide a specified product or service.

c. The project organization is always a buyer in a contract arrangement

d. A contract binds both the seller and the buyer.



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