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GE5103 Asst ( 9,10 ) Solutions - Week4



Q1. In addition to technical skills, a project manager must have _________ skills in order to successfully resource a project.

 a)       Microsoft Project

 b)      Behavioral
 c)       Estimating
 d)      Cultural

Q2. Why is it important to involve workers in the planning phase of a project when possible?

       a)       The project manager needs to know what vacation days they plan to take.

       b)      Project plans are only accurate when the team does all of the planning.

       c)       People are more likely to be enthusiastic about performing work they helped to plan.

       d)      During the planning phase the project manager needs to determine if the team members will work          well together.

Q3. A Staffing Management Plan addresses all of the areas below EXCEPT:

 a)       How to identify potential internal and/or external human resources for the project.
 b)      How to determine the availability of the internal and/or external human resources for the project
 c)       How to handle timing issues with regard to building up, developing, rewarding, and releasing the project team. 
 d)      How to record resource assignments in a project scheduling tool such as MS Project.

Q4. Near the end of the project, timing issues regarding team members must be addressed. Which of the answers below is NOT one of the three "r" end-of-project activities related to project team members?

   a)       Recognizing team member

   b)      Retrospective meetings with team members

   c)       Releasing team members

   d)      Rewarding team members

Q5. RAM stands for:

 a)       Resource Accountability Matrix

 b)      Responsibility Assignment Matrix

 c)       Responsible, Accountable, Consult and Inform

 d)      Resource Assignment Matrix

Q6. Which of these is NOT one of the roles of key project stakeholders represented in a RACI Chart?

 a)       R = Responsible

 b)      A = Accountable

 c)       C = Control 

 d)    I = Inform 

Q7. Hector and his team were preparing a RACI chart for the major project work packages and activities. In each row they only assigned an "A" for Accountable to a single resource. Why did they feel it was necessary for only one person to be assigned the accountability for each activity

a)       Because only one person should do the work on each activity or work package

b)      Because the project manager is always the person who is accountable for each activity or work package.

c)       Because if more than one person has accountability, it is too easy for them to blame each other when something goes wrong

d)      Because there are rarely enough people on a project team to have more than one person be accountable.

Q8. What can a project manager do to determine if workers are overloaded

a)       Ask them if they are too busy.

b)      Check to see if they have been working overtime.

c)       Check the network diagram for resource overloads.

d)      Add the demands for each resource at each time period.

Q9. Whom should the project manager consult if there is a severe resource overload and they are considering alternative actions such as reducing the project scope, assigning activities to other workers, splitting activities, reordering activities or resource leveling?

a)       The resources who are involved.

b)      The project sponsor

c)       The scrum master.

d)      The customer.

Q10. What will happen to a project's schedule if there are resource overloads and the critical path is delayed?

a)       Nothing will happen to the project's schedule if the critical path is delayed.

b)      The project's schedule will slip only if the float / slack period for the critical path activities is not enough to resolve the resource overload issue.

c)       The project's schedule will slip only if the float / slack period for the noncritical activities is not enough to resolve the resource overload issue

d)      There is never a delay in the critical path, because it is the longest path through the network.

Q11. In regard to resource leveling, why are noncritical path activities generally the first to be delayed

 a)       Because they are longer in duration.

 b)      Because they have available slack / float.

 c)       Because they require fewer resources.

 d)      Because they are not important.

Q12. Which of these is NOT a technique for reducing the critical path and compressing a project's schedule?

a)       Overlap sequential activities using finish-to-finish (FF), start-to-start (SS), or start-to-finish (SF) relationships.

b)      Perform a forward pass and a backward pass through the network.

c)       Shorten activities by assigning more resources (crashing)

d)      Schedule activities that are normally in sequence at the same time (fast tracking).

Q13. When crashing a project schedule, the two questions to be asked when deciding which activities to speed up are ________ and _________.

a)       Which activities have float, and which activity costs the least on a per-day basis to speed up?

b)      Are my most skilled resources available, and which activities are on the critical path?

c)       Which activities are on the critical path, and which critical path activity costs the least on a per-day basis to speed up?

d)      Which activities can I overlap by using time leads, and which work packages can I remove to reduce project scope?

Q14. In addition to predecessor-successor relationships, what does critical chain project management (CCPM) factor into its scheduling?

a)       Calculations on resource availability

b)      Final project deliverables

c)       Planning the current phase in detail and later phases at a high level

d)      Multitasking wherever possible.

Q15. When using Reverse Phase Scheduling, the __________ develops the schedule.

a)       Sponsor

b)      Customer

c)       Project Manager

d)      Team


1. What type of costs do NOT depend on the size of the project?.


a)       Variable costs

b)      Direct costs

c)       Fixed costs

d)      Indirect costs



2. During which phase of a project life cycle do recurring costs typically occur?

a)       Planning

b)      Selecting and Initiating

c)       Closing and Realizing

d)      Executing


3. Which of these is an example of an expedited cost?

a)       The team completes a major deliverable within the normal 40 hour work week.

b)      New computers are delivered per the agreed dates in the executed purchasing agreement.

c)       Production work is halted in the factory due to lack of inventory, and management pays for overnight delivery of additional material.

d)      Summer months are slow for the company so management establishes summer hours, where everyone gets Friday afternoons off.


4._________ estimates are often used to seek initial project charter approval.

a)       Budget

b)      Order of Magnitude

c)       Definitive

d)      Parametric


5. Aisha, an experienced project manager, has successfully managed many new build-outs of office space for her east coast company. Her manager announced today that they will be expanding operations to the Midwest. The company had already signed a lease for 5,000 square feet of office space in Cincinnati, and the offices had to be up and running in 3 months. He asked Aisha for a cost estimate for this construction by the end of the day. How can she come up with a credible estimate so quickly?


a)       Tell the manager that you can't come up with an estimate in a few hours.

b)      Ask the manager questions about the new office space to understand the impacted departments that will be located there, the level of finishes desired, etc. then use the budgets of previous similar projects as a guideline.

c)       Create a work breakdown structure by using another previous project and create a bottom-up estimate for each work package.

d)      Go through all office buildouts for the past five years. Calculate an average construction cost per square foot and multiply the 5,000 square feet by this cost per square feet to calculate the budget.


6. Which of these methods of estimating can produce the most accurate estimate?


a)       Parametric

b)      Analogous

c)       Bottom-uP

d)      Rolling wave 


7. Which of these is NOT an example of supporting detail pertaining to cost estimates?



a)       Description of the project scope

b)      Method used to create the estimate

c)       Assumptions and constraints

d)      Schedule milestones.


8. Jim, a project manager for a manufacturing company, is responsible for getting bids for two sophisticated pieces of equipment that will be installed on the factory floor. He has distributed the detailed specifications to a number of vendors, and is waiting for the bid responses. When analyzing the vendor's bids, Jim can do all of the following to determine if the vendor's bid prices appear to be reasonable EXCEPT:


a)       Compare the bids and assume that the lowest responsible offer is fair.

b)      review industry publications to determine if the prices are in line with industry standards.

c)       Select one of the lower-priced vendors with a good reputation and negotiate with them for the best price.

d)      Implement activity-based costing.


9. __________ is defined as a formal, structured process that is aimed at increasing the value or productivity of a work element while minimizing the cost.

a)       Vendor bid analysis

b)      Life cycle costing

c)       Value engineering

d)      Time value of money


10. The time value of money is relevant to project management because:



a)       The project manager must balance the timing of project cash inflows and outflows.

b)      Discounting the value of future revenue and cost streams enables better project decisions.

c)       Schedule and cost are interrelated, and use the same estimating tools.

d)      As time passes on a project, money is spent.


11. During risk analysis for a routine project, ____ percent of money should be put into management reserves, while for an unusual project, ____ percent should be reserved.


a)       5 percent, 20 percent

b)      5 percent, 30 percent

c)       10 percent, 20 percent

d)      10 percent, 30 percent


12. What is used to compare actual project spending with planned expenditures to determine if corrective action is needed?

a)       Cost Baseline

b)      Critical Path

c)       Cost Estimate

d)      Cost Management Plan


13. A fixed cost is described as __________.

a)       A cost that is necessary to keep the organization running, but is not associated with one specific project

b)      A cost that only occurs because of the project and is often classified as either labor or other costs.

c)       A cost that remains the same regardless of the size or volume of work.

d)      A cost that varies with volume of use.


14. An example of a nonrecurring cost is _________.

a)       Cost of writing code

b)      Cost of laying bricks

c)       Developing a design that guides the team, once approved

d)      Cost of running an assembly line in a factory


15.  Which of the scenarios below is NOT an example of an assumption that may arise when estimating the cost of direct labor?


a)       Workers will be paid for 40 hours per week whether or not there is enough work for them to do.

b)      Workers are already familiar with the technology being used on the project.

c)       Workers will be paid at the prevailing wage rate of $14 per hour.

d)      Only in-house workers will be used




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