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IS5113 Week 1 ( LESSON 1,2 Quizs)

 LESSON 1 Quiz

1. Which of the following tableau features contains values that determine the level of detail at which the measures are aggregated?

A) . dimensions

2. which of the following features of Tableau allows the user to impart a data story while different views, filters, parameters, and images collectively?

A) .dashboard

3. Which of the following visualization types allows the user to compare the values across different categories?

A) .bar chart

4 .which of the following steps of the analytics cycle provides the user with the ability to create fully interactive dashboards using visualizations and insights?

A) .data storytelling

5. Which of the following fields contains disparate value?

A) .discrete

6. Which of the following software provides the user with a platform to view, and make key decisions based on the data while working within the cycle of analytics?

A) .Tableau

7. Which of the following line charts is the most commonly used and displays the motion of the values over time?

A) .Time series

8 .In Tableau, which of the following fields contains distinct and distinct and disparate values?

A) .Discrete

9 .Which of the following features of Tableau is referred to as view and is single data visualization ?

A) .Sheet

10 .Which of the following components of the Tableau dashboard window allows the movement of objects on the dashboard ?

A) . Grip

11 .Which of the following components of the Tableau of the Tableau sheet interface provides the user with the basic functionalities such as to add source save, undo, and  redo?

A) . Toolbor

1. Which of the following software provides the user with a platform to view, interpret, and make key decisions based on the data while working within the cycle of analytics?

A. Tableau


2. Which of the following steps of the analytics cycle provides the user with the ability to create fully interactive dashboards using visualizations and insights?

A.  Data storytelling


3. What does a dimension contains?


A .Values that determine the level of detail at which the measures are aggregated

4 .Which of the following components is used to undo, redo, save, and add a data source?


A. Toolbar


5 . Which of the following is referred as a view and is a single data visualization?


A. Sheet


6 Which of the following fields contains disparate value?


A. Discrete


 7 In Tableau, which of the following fields contains distinct and disparate values?


A .Discrete


What is a feature of a bar chart?


A.  It allows a user to compare the values across different categories.


9   A type of line chart that displays the motion of the values over time is a:


A. time series.


10   Which of the following features of Tableau allows the user to impart a data story while working with different views, filters, parameters, and images collectively?


A. Dashboard


11  Which of the following components allows the movement of objects on the dashboard?

A. Grip


1 .Which of the following file extensions specifies a Tableau data source extracted file?

A) .tdsx

2 .Which of the following types of joins of is used to return only the matching records from both the tables?

A) .Inner

3 .Which of the following extracts allows the user to add only the new rows of data based on the specified fields?

A) .Incremental refresh

4 .which of the following file extensions represents a spatial file in tableau?

A) .kml

5 .which of the following features of tableau stores information about the connections and all the available fields?

A) .Data source

6 .Which of the following data source connectors provides the user with the ability to remove and join any data sources using programming languages?

A) .Extract API

7 .Which of the following palettes assigns a starting as well as an ending number that provides a full intensity for both the color ranges?

A) .Diverging

8 .Which of the following query languages provides a standard way of defining queries related to the data based on the arrangement of different fields in the view?

A) .Visual query language

9 .Which of the following windows keyboard shortcuts in tableau neglects the cache and refreshes the data from its source?

A) . F5

10 .Which of the following tabs of the Filter window allows the user to match the string values?

A) .Wildcard

  1 What is VizQL?

A. A query language that provides a standard way of defining queries related to the data based on the arrangement of different fields in the view

2. Which of the following Windows keyboard shortcuts in Tableau neglects the cache and refreshes the data from its source?

A. F5

3. Which of the following data source connectors provides the user with the ability to remove and join any data sources using programming languages?

A. Extract API

4. A _________ file extension represents a spatial file in Tableau.

A. .kml

5. Which of the following palettes assigns a starting as well as an ending number that provides a full intensity for both the color ranges?

A. Diverging

6. Which of the following features of Tableau stores information about the connections and all the available fields?

A. Data source

7. What is the function of an incremental refresh?

A. It allows a user to add only new rows of data based on the specific fields.

8. Which of the following file extensions specifies a Tableau Data Source extracted file?

A. .tdsx

9. Which of the following types of joins is used to return only the matching records from both the left and right tables?

A. Inner

10. Which tab of the Filter window allows a user to match the string values that contain start with, end with, or exactly match a given value?

A. Wildcard


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