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 1. Who is responsible for identifying data to be stored in the database and for choosing appropriate structures to represent and store

A. Data base designer

2. which of the following functions of database management system causes some data to be read and
       some data to be written into a database?


3. which of the following DBMS processes stores data on some storage medium that is controlled by the DBMS

A. Constructing 
4. which of the following applications analyzes large amount of data to search for the occurrences of specific patterns or relationships ?

A.Data mining

5. during which of the following stages for ereating a database are further specifications provided for storing accessing the database ?

A.Physical Design

6. which model is also known as the CODASYL DBTG model?

A.Network Model

7.which of the following schema levels describes the structure of the whole database for a community of users ?

A. Conceptual Schema

8. in most relational DBMSs there is no specific language that performs the role of


9. which of the following languages specifies the internal schema?

10. which of the following data models in meant for computer specialists, not for end users ?

A. Physical

11. Which constraint specifies whether the existence of an entity depends on it being related to another entity via the relationship type?

12. In UML terminology, relationship types are called as _______.

13. What attribute can be divided into smaller subparts, which represent more basic attributes with independent meanings?

14. What is the last phase of the database design process?

A.Physical Design
15. which of the following notations indicates a specialisation generalization with the disjoint constraint.

A.Blank Triangle
16. Which of the following classes define attribute and operations but does not have object corresponding to those classes

17. which is the process of classifying the class of objects into more specialised subclasses.



18. Which of the following is an Abstraction concept for building composite objects from their component objects.

19. which of the following constraints is expressed directly in the schemas of data model.


20. which of the following constraint states that no primary key value can be null.

A.Entity integrity

21. which of the following constraints is violated by delete operation.

A.Referential integrity

22. which of the following clauses identify the condition for selecting the tuples from the relations.

23. Which of the following commands specifies a new relation by giving it a name and specifying its attributes and initial constraints.

A.Create table
24. Which of the following clauses lists the attributes to be retrieved.

25. Which of the following joins is the default type of join in a joined table tuple exists in the other relation?


26. which of the following functions returns the number of tuples or values as specified in a query.

27. which of the following strategies updates a view when needed by a view query.

A.Lazy update 

28. which of the following symbols denotes the select operator.


29. which of the following operations comblines the results of two or more SELECT statements without including duplicates.

30. which of the following operations combines thee result of two SEELECT statements and returns only those results which belong to the first of result ?

A.Set difference
31. which of the following approaches is most preferred as it reduces the number of tables.

A.Foreign key
32. which steps of the algorithm for er to relational mapping involves the following approaches.

A.Mapping of binary 1.1 relationship types 

33. First step of er to relational mapping.

A.Mapping of regular entity types

34. which of the following approaches does not suffer from the impedance same as the database data types ?

A.Database programming language 

35. which statements in the SQL standard can be used to invoke stored procedure cither from an interactive interface or from embedded SQL or SQLJ.

36. which of the following Java Technologies for database web programming are java objects.

A.Java servlets
37. which pear db library module must be loaded to use the database functions in a php program.


38. PHP variable starts with a ___ sing.


39. which aspect of object specifies whether an object is a persistent object or transient object.

A.Life time

40. Which type of literal corresponds to the values of basic data types and is predefined.


41. Which type of constructor creates a collection of key-value pairs, where the value of a key can be used to retrieve the corresponding value?.

42. BCNF was proposed as a simpler form of.


43. which normal form is based on concepts of multivalued dependencies.


44. the following Normal forms is violated when a relation has undesirable multivalued dependencies and hence can be use to identify and decompose such relation?.


45. Which of the following buffer replacement strategies works best for certain type of database needed util all the remaining blocks in the relation are processed?


46. which raid level use a single parity disk relying on the disk controller to figure out which disk has failed?


47. which of the following files keeps the records ordered by the value of a particular field.

48. which of the following allocation techniques allocates file blocks to consecutive disc locks.


49. what occurs when the hash field value of Record that is being inserted has to an address that already contains a different record?.


50. each node in a tree expect for a special node called a has one parent node and zero or more child nodes.


51. which type of ordered single level index is specified on non ordering fields as additional access structures to improve performance of queries and transactions ?.


52. which type of index facilitates querying on multiple keys and used for relations that contain a large number of rows.


53. which of the following methods ends the iteration after all tuples that can be generated have been generated ?


54. In which of the following joins does the search stop as soon as the first match is found and the tuple form outer relation in selected?.

A.Semi join

55. Which search applies to any file but all the methods depend on having appropriate access path selection condition.


56. what will a transaction be called If database operation a transaction not update the data with but only retrieve data.

A.Read only

57. in which of the following states does a transaction execute its read and write operations?.


58. which two phase locking protocol is a deadlock free protocol.

59. which phase of concurrency control checks whether any of the translation of dates valid serializability.


60. which of the following clocks is too restrictive for database concurrency control purposes?


61. deferred update is also known as the____.

A.NO-UNDO/REDO algorithm

62. which of the following is a specific recovery scheme used in many of IBM’s relational database products ?.

A.ARIES algorithm 

63. for which of the following checkpoint actions the fuzzy checkpoint technique coming to use overcome into use to overcome from the action.

A.Suspend execution of transactions temporarily

64. what reduces the contention for CPU and IO services and simultaneously reduces access delays involved in area networks?.

A.Data localization

65. which of the following transparencies is also known as the distribution or network transparency?.

A.Data organizaton

66. which autonomy implies that component DBS has ability to decide whether and how much to share its functionality and resources with other component DBS?.

67. when injection attack attempts to add additional SQL statements to the existing SQL statements by exploiting a computer bug which is caused by processing invalid data.

A.Code injection 

68.An Administrator who is allowed change student information can update student grades without the instructor s permission.

A.Privilege abuse

 69. What type of risk will occur when an attacker floods the server with requests?.

A.Denial of service

70. Loss of Availability occurs when.

A.a user of prgoram cannot acess data objects who has legitimate right to those objects

71. which of the following control measures is handled by creating user accounts and passwords to control the login process by the DBMS?.

A.Acess control


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