Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 180 | 3 | | |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | | |
TOTAL | 480 | 18 | | |
The mean square due to error (MSE) is
An ANOVA procedure for a two-factor factorial experiment produced the following: a = 6, b= 2, r = 2, SSA = 1.05, SSB = 16.67, SSAB = .60, and SST = 94.52. What is the value of the test statistic for determining whether there is a main effect for factor A?
In a completely randomized experimental design involving three assembly methods, 30 employees were randomly selected and 10 were assigned to each of the three methods. The time required to complete the task was recorded. The following information is provided: MSTR = 45.89 and MSE = 6.27. What is the critical value of F if we want to determine whether the means of the three populations are equal at the 5% level of significance?
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to between-treatments is
In factorial designs, the response produced when the treatments of one factor interact with the treatments of another in influencing the response variable is known as
A completely randomized design is useful when the experimental units are
In a factorial experiment, if there are x levels of factor A and y levels of factor B, there is a total of
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The sum of squares due to error (SSE) is
To test whether or not there is a difference between treatments A, B, and C, a sample of 12 observations has been randomly assigned to the 3 treatments. You are given the results below.
Treatment | Observations |
A | 20 | 30 | 25 | 33 |
B | 22 | 26 | 20 | 28 |
C | 40 | 30 | 28 | 22 |
The null hypothesis is to be tested at the 1% level of significance. The
p-value is
The critical F value with 8 numerator and 29 denominator degrees of freedom at α = .01 is
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The mean square due to treatments (MSTR) is
How are treatments assigned to the experimental units in a completely randomized design?
The ANOVA procedure is a statistical approach for determining whether or not the means of
Consider the following ANOVA table.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 2073.6 | 4 | | |
Between Blocks | 6000 | 5 | 1200 | |
Error | | 20 | 288 | |
Total | | 29 | | |
The null hypothesis is to be tested at the 5% level of significance. The null hypothesis
An ANOVA procedure is used for data obtained from four populations. Four samples, each comprised of 30 observations, were taken from the four populations. The numerator and denominator (respectively) degrees of freedom for the critical value of F are
In order to determine whether or not the means of two populations are equal,
In a completely randomized design involving three treatments, the following information is provided:
| Treatment 1 | Treatment 2 | Treatment 3 |
Sample Size | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Sample Mean | 4 | 8 | 9 |
The overall mean (the grand mean) for all the treatments is
In an analysis of variance problem if SST = 120 and SSTR = 80, then SSE is
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 180 | 3 | | |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | | |
TOTAL | 480 | 18 | | |
The mean square due to error (MSE) is
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 1 |
4 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
1 | 5 |
The least squares estimate of the intercept or
b0 equals
The following information regarding a dependent variable
y and an independent variable
x is provided:
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = -156 |
Σy = 340 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 4 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1974 |
SSR = 104 | |
The sum of squares due to error (SSE) is
Icon Key
The model developed from sample data that has the form of Ŷ = b0 + b1x is known as the
If a data set produces SST = 2000 and SSE = 800, then the coefficient of determination is
A descriptive measure of the strength of linear association between two variables is the
The following information regarding a dependent variable
y and an independent variable
x is provided:
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = -156 |
Σy = 340 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 4 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1974 |
SSR = 104 | |
The coefficient of correlation is
If the coefficient of determination is a positive value, then the coefficient of correlation
The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable y that is explained by the estimated regression equation is measured by the
The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable and the value predicted using the estimated regression equation is the
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
12 | 4 |
3 | 6 |
7 | 2 |
6 | 4 |
The sample correlation coefficient equals
The following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
x) is provided.
SSE = 6
SST = 16
The coefficient of correlation is
The standard error of the estimate is the
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 4 |
7 | 6 |
9 | 2 |
11 | 4 |
The least squares estimate of the slope or
b1 equals
The following information regarding a dependent variable
y and an independent variable
x is provided:
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = -156 |
Σy = 340 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 4 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1974 |
SSR = 104 | |
The sum of squares due to error (SSE) is
The value of the coefficient of correlation (r)
In regression analysis, the model in the form y = β0 + β1x + ε is called the
If the coefficient of determination is .90, the percentage of variation in the dependent variable explained by the variation in the independent variable is
Which of the following types of relationships between a dependent variable y and an independent variable x is represented by a population regression line that resembles a horizontal line?
Regression analysis was applied between sales (in $1000) and advertising (in $100) and the following regression function was obtained.
Ŷ = 500 + 4x
Based on the above estimated regression line, if advertising is $10,000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 180 | 3 | | |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | | |
TOTAL | 480 | 18 | | |
The mean square due to treatments (MSTR) is
Which of the following is not a required assumption for the analysis of variance?
In order to determine whether or not the means of two populations are equal,
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The mean square due to error (MSE) is
A roofing company would like to implement a new method for giving estimates. The owner has narrowed his choice to three different methods. Since estimator variability is believed to be a significant factor in the overall cost estimate, each of the company's three job estimators is asked to give a cost estimate for a new roof using each of the three methods. The data will be analyzed using a randomized block design. What are the blocks in this study?
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to between-treatments is
An experimental design that permits simultaneous statistical conclusions about two or more factors is a
If H 0 is rejected for an analysis of variance, what can we conclude?
In a completely randomized design involving three treatments, the following information is provided:
| Treatment 1 | Treatment 2 | Treatment 3 |
Sample Size | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Sample Mean | 4 | 8 | 9 |
The overall mean (the grand mean) for all the treatments is
An ANOVA procedure is used for data obtained from four populations. Four samples, each comprised of 30 observations, were taken from the four populations. The numerator and denominator (respectively) degrees of freedom for the critical value of F are
What is the expected value of y in a simple linear regression model?
If two variables, x and y, have a strong linear relationship, then
In simple linear regression, r2 is the
In a regression analysis, if SST = 4500 and SSE = 1575, then the coefficient of determination is
In a regression analysis, the coefficient of correlation is .16. The coefficient of determination in this situation is
It is possible for the coefficient of determination to be
The mathematical equation relating the independent variable to the expected value of the dependent variable; that is, E(y) = β0 + β1x, is known as the
The following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
x) is provided.
SSE = 6
SST = 16
The least squares estimate of the slope is
In a regression analysis, the standard error of the estimate is determined to be 4. In this situation, the MSE
If all the points of a scatter diagram lie on the least squares regression line, then the coefficient of determination for these variables based on these data
Consider the following ANOVA table for a simple linear regression.

What is the value of the mean square error for this regression analysis?
The coefficient of correlation
As the value of the coefficient of determination increases, the
A regression and correlation analysis resulted in the following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = 466 |
Σy = 170 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 10 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1434 |
SSE = 505.98 | |
The least squares estimate of the intercept or
b0 equals
Which data point in the following scatter diagram would most likely be an influential observation?

An ANOVA procedure is used for data obtained from four populations. Four samples, each comprised of 30 observations, were taken from the four populations. The numerator and denominator (respectively) degrees of freedom for the critical value of F are
Consider the following information.
SSTR = 6750 | H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 |
SSE = 8000 | Ha: At least one mean is different |
The mean square due to treatments (MSTR) equals
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to within-treatments is
A roofing company would like to implement a new method for giving estimates. The owner has narrowed his choice to three different methods. Since estimator variability is believed to be a significant factor in the overall cost estimate, each of the company's three job estimators is asked to give a cost estimate for a new roof using each of the three methods. The data will be analyzed using a randomized block design. What are the blocks in this study?
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). The following information is provided.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The test statistic is
The number of times each experimental condition is observed in a factorial design is known as
In a completely randomized design involving three treatments, the following information is provided:
| Treatment 1 | Treatment 2 | Treatment 3 |
Sample Size | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Sample Mean | 4 | 8 | 9 |
The overall mean (the grand mean) for all the treatments is
Consider the following information.
SSTR = 6750 | H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 |
SSE = 8000 | Ha: At least one mean is different |
n = 5, the mean square due to error (MSE) equals
To test whether or not there is a difference between treatments A, B, and C, a sample of 12 observations has been randomly assigned to the 3 treatments. You are given the results below.
Treatment | Observations |
A | 20 | 30 | 25 | 33 |
B | 22 | 26 | 20 | 28 |
C | 40 | 30 | 28 | 22 |
The null hypothesis for this ANOVA problem is
The following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
x) is provided.
SSE = 6
SST = 16
The least squares estimate of the
y-intercept is
A descriptive measure of the strength of linear association between two variables is the
If the coefficient of correlation is .8, the percentage of variation in the dependent variable explained by the variation in the independent variable is
In simple linear regression analysis, which of the following is not true?
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 1 |
4 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
1 | 5 |
The least squares estimate of the intercept or
b0 equals
Compared to the confidence interval estimate for a particular value of y in a linear regression model, the interval estimate for an average value of y will be
Following a regression analysis, an examination of graphical plots was performed to determine whether the assumptions for ε are appropriate. Consider the following plot from this analysis:

What type of plot is this?
In a regression and correlation analysis, if r2 = 1, then
In regression analysis, the model in the form y = β0 + β1x + ε is called the
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to within-treatments is
An ANOVA procedure is applied to data obtained from 6 samples where each sample contains 20 observations. The critical value of F occurs with
Consider the following ANOVA table.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 2073.6 | 4 | | |
Between Blocks | 6000 | 5 | 1200 | |
Error | | 20 | 288 | |
Total | | 29 | | |
The sum of squares due to error equals
Consider the following ANOVA table.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 2073.6 | 4 | | |
Between Blocks | 6000 | 5 | 1200 | |
Error | | 20 | 288 | |
Total | | 29 | | |
The null hypothesis is to be tested at the 5% level of significance. The
p-value is
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to between-treatments is
If H 0 is rejected for an analysis of variance, what can we conclude?
Consider the following information.
SSTR = 6750 | H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 |
SSE = 8000 | Ha: At least one mean is different |
The test statistic to test the null hypothesis equals
The mean square is the sum of squares divided by
Part of an ANOVA table is shown below.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 64 | | | 8 |
Within Treatments (Error) | | | 2 | |
Total | 100 | | | |
The mean square due to treatments (MSTR) is
Following a regression analysis, an examination of graphical plots was performed to determine whether the assumptions for ε are appropriate. Consider the following plot from this analysis:

What type of plot is this?
In regression analysis, if the independent variable is measured in pounds, the dependent variable
The coefficient of correlation
If the coefficient of correlation is .90, then the coefficient of determination
In a regression analysis, the coefficient of correlation is .16. The coefficient of determination in this situation is
Which of the following sum of squares statements is correct for a regression analysis?
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
12 | 4 |
3 | 6 |
7 | 2 |
6 | 4 |
The coefficient of determination equals
In a regression analysis, if SST = 500 and SSE = 300, then the coefficient of determination is
A regression and correlation analysis resulted in the following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = 466 |
Σy = 170 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 10 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1434 |
SSE = 505.98 | |
The least squares estimate of the intercept or
b0 equals
If only MSE is known, you can compute the
Which of the following statements is true for a randomized block design when comparing treatment effects?
An experimental design where the experimental units are randomly assigned to the treatments is known as a
In an analysis of variance problem involving 3 treatments and 10 observations per treatment, SSE = 399.6. The MSE for this situation is
What does the analysis of variance procedure compare to determine whether the population means are equal?
In an ANOVA procedure, a term that means the same as the term "variable" is
The process of using the same or similar experimental units for all treatments is called
Regression analysis was applied between demand for a product (y) and the price of the product (x), and the following estimated regression equation was obtained.
Ŷ = 120 - 10x
Based on the above estimated regression equation, if price is increased by 2 units, then demand is expected to
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 4 |
7 | 6 |
9 | 2 |
11 | 4 |
The least squares estimate of the intercept or
b0 equals
In regression analysis, the error term ε is a random variable with a mean or expected value of
For the following data, the value of SSE = 18.
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
15 | 4 |
17 | 6 |
23 | 2 |
17 | 4 |
The coefficient of determination (
r2) equals
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
12 | 4 |
3 | 6 |
7 | 2 |
6 | 4 |
The least squares estimate of the slope or
b1 equals
In a simple linear regression analysis (where y is a dependent and x an independent variable), if the y-intercept is positive, then
A regression analysis between demand (y in 1000 units) and price (x in dollars) resulted in the following equation:
Ŷ = 9 - 3x
The above equation implies that if the price is increased by $1, the demand is expected to
In a regression analysis, if SSE = 500 and SSR = 300, then the coefficient of determination is
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The sum of squares due to error (SSE) is
In the ANOVA, treatments refer to
How many degrees of freedom will the error have in a randomized block design with five treatments and three blocks?
The process of allocating the total sum of squares and degrees of freedom to the various components is called
A major retail chain with 100 stores across the country is interested in the effects of advertising on local television stations. A random sample of 18 stores is selected. The retailer has made three different commercials, each of which is randomly assigned to six stores. The total sales for the month following the airing of the commercials are recorded. How many replicates have been used in this completely randomized design?
To test whether or not there is a difference between treatments A, B, and C, a sample of 12 observations has been randomly assigned to the 3 treatments. You are given the results below.
Treatment | Observations |
A | 20 | 30 | 25 | 33 |
B | 22 | 26 | 20 | 28 |
C | 40 | 30 | 28 | 22 |
The null hypothesis is to be tested at the 1% level of significance. The
p-value is
Which of the following describes the relationship between a confidence interval for y at a given value of x and a prediction interval for y at the same value of x?
Regression analysis was applied between sales data (y in $1000s) and advertising data (x in $100s) and the following information was obtained.
Ŷ = 12 + 1.8x
n = 17
SSR = 225
SSE = 75
sb1 = .2683
The F statistic computed from the above data is
In regression analysis, if the independent variable is measured in pounds, the dependent variable
For the following data, the value of SSE = 18.
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
15 | 4 |
17 | 6 |
23 | 2 |
17 | 4 |
The total sum of squares (SST) equals
Regression analysis was applied between sales (in $10,000) and advertising (in $100) and the following regression function was obtained.
Ŷ = 50 + 8x
Based on the above estimated regression line, if advertising is $1000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is
Regression analysis was applied between sales (y in $1000) and advertising (x in $100) and the following estimated regression equation was obtained.
Ŷ = 80 + 6.2x
Based on the above estimated regression line, if advertising is $10,000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is
In a regression analysis, the coefficient of determination is .4225. The coefficient of correlation in this situation is
In a residual plot against x that does not suggest we should challenge the assumptions of our regression model, we would expect to see a
The interval estimate of the mean value of y for a given value of x is the
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 4 |
7 | 6 |
9 | 2 |
11 | 4 |
The sample correlation coefficient equals
The Minitab output for a regression analysis relating the temperature in a warehouse to the machine settings within the warehouse is given below.

What is the t test statistic used to determine whether the setting is related to the temperature?
In simple linear regression, r2 is the
Application of the least squares method results in values of the y-intercept and the slope that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations between the
In a regression analysis, if SSE = 500 and SSR = 300, then the coefficient of determination is
Regression analysis was applied between sales data (y in $1000s) and advertising data (x in $100s) and the following information was obtained.
Ŷ = 12 + 1.8x
n = 17
SSR = 225
SSE = 75
sb1 = .2683
To perform an F test, the p-value is
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
The number of degrees of freedom corresponding to within-treatments is
If H 0 is rejected for an analysis of variance, what can we conclude?
In the analysis of variance procedure (ANOVA), "factor" refers to
Consider the following information.
SSTR = 6750 | H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 |
SSE = 8000 | Ha: At least one mean is different |
The test statistic to test the null hypothesis equals
Consider the following information.
SSTR = 6750 | H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = μ4 |
SSE = 8000 | Ha: At least one mean is different |
The null hypothesis is to be tested at the 5% level of significance. The null hypothesis
To test whether or not there is a difference between treatments A, B, and C, a sample of 12 observations has been randomly assigned to the 3 treatments. You are given the results below.
Treatment | Observations |
A | 20 | 30 | 25 | 33 |
B | 22 | 26 | 20 | 28 |
C | 40 | 30 | 28 | 22 |
The test statistic to test the null hypothesis equals
In a completely randomized experimental design involving five treatments, 13 observations were recorded for each of the five treatments (a total of 65 observations). Also, the design provided the following information.
SSTR = 200 (Sum of Squares Due to Treatments) |
SST = 800 (Total Sum of Squares) |
If, at a 5% level of significance, we want to determine whether or not the means of the five populations are equal, the critical value of
F is
Consider the following ANOVA table.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 2073.6 | 4 | | |
Between Blocks | 6000 | 5 | 1200 | |
Error | | 20 | 288 | |
Total | | 29 | | |
The test statistic to test the null hypothesis equals
In an analysis of variance, one estimate of σ2 is based upon the differences between the treatment means and the
A high leverage point is an observation that has an extreme value for which of the following?
In testing for the equality of k population means, the number of treatments is
A manager is considering three new machines for filling boxes of cereal at a processing plant. Each of the three machines is assigned to 10 randomly selected employees. The time required to fill 25 boxes using the machine is recorded. How many treatments does this single-factor experiment have?
Consider the following ANOVA table.
Source of Variation | Sum of Squares | Degrees of Freedom | Mean Square | F |
Between Treatments | 2073.6 | 4 | | |
Between Blocks | 6000 | 5 | 1200 | |
Error | | 20 | 288 | |
Total | | 29 | | |
The mean square due to treatments equals
Regression analysis was applied between sales data (y in $1000s) and advertising data (x in $100s) and the following information was obtained.
Ŷ = 12 + 1.8x
n = 17
SSR = 225
SSE = 75
sb1 = .2683
Based on the above estimated regression equation, if advertising is $3000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is
The following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
x) is provided.
SSE = 6
SST = 16
The MSE is
If the coefficient of determination is equal to 1, then the coefficient of correlation
A regression analysis between sales (y in $1000) and advertising (x in dollars) resulted in the following equation:
Ŷ = 30,000 + 4x
The above equation implies that an
If there is a very weak correlation between two variables, then the coefficient of determination must be
The equation that describes how the dependent variable (y) is related to the independent variable (x) is called
In a residual plot against x that does not suggest we should challenge the assumptions of our regression model, we would expect to see a
The interval estimate of the mean value of y for a given value of x is the
You are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 4 |
7 | 6 |
9 | 2 |
11 | 4 |
The sample correlation coefficient equals
The Minitab output for a regression analysis relating the temperature in a warehouse to the machine settings within the warehouse is given below.

What is the t test statistic used to determine whether the setting is related to the temperature?
In simple linear regression, r2 is the
Application of the least squares method results in values of the y-intercept and the slope that minimizes the sum of the squared deviations between the
In a regression analysis, if SSE = 500 and SSR = 300, then the coefficient of determination is
Regression analysis was applied between sales data (y in $1000s) and advertising data (x in $100s) and the following information was obtained.
Ŷ = 12 + 1.8x
n = 17
SSR = 225
SSE = 75
sb1 = .2683
To perform an F test, the p-value is
f a data set produces SST = 2000 and SSE = 800, then the coefficient of determination is
The coefficient of correlation
The interval estimate of the mean value of y for a given value of x is the
In regression analysis, which of the following assumptions is not true about the error term ε?
The value of the coefficient of correlation (r)
In the following estimated regression equation Ŷ = b0 + b1x,
If the coefficient of determination is a positive value, then the coefficient of correlation
Regression analysis was applied between sales (in $10,000) and advertising (in $100) and the following regression function was obtained.
Ŷ = 50 + 8x
Based on the above estimated regression line, if advertising is $1000, then the point estimate for sales (in dollars) is
Consider the Minitab output from a regression analysis relating the length of a rod to its weight. Interval estimates were also obtained for a rod of length 2.5 inches.

Which of the following represents the estimated regression equation?
Consider the following scatter diagram.

Which of the following could be the value of the sample correlation coefficient for this scatter diagram?
In a regression and correlation analysis, if r2 = 1, then
Regression analysis was applied between sales data (y in $1000s) and advertising data (x in $100s) and the following information was obtained.
Ŷ = 12 + 1.8x
n = 17
SSR = 225
SSE = 75
sb1 = .2683
The t statistic for testing the significance of the slope is
What is the expected value of y in a simple linear regression model?
In regression analysis, the independent variable is
ou are given the following information about
y and
Dependent Variable (y) | Independent Variable (x) |
5 | 1 |
4 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
2 | 4 |
1 | 5 |
The least squares estimate of the slope or
b1 equals
A high leverage point is an observation that has an extreme value for which of the following?
It is possible for the coefficient of determination to be
In the following estimated regression equation Ŷ = b0 + b1x,
A regression and correlation analysis resulted in the following information regarding a dependent variable (
y) and an independent variable (
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = 466 |
Σy = 170 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 10 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1434 |
SSE = 505.98 | |
The sample correlation coefficient equals
The following information regarding a dependent variable
y and an independent variable
x is provided:
Σx = 90 | Σ(y - ȳ)(x - x̄) = -156 |
Σy = 340 | Σ(x - x̄)2 = 234 |
n = 4 | Σ(y - ȳ)2 = 1974 |
SSR = 104 | |
The slope of the regression equation is
A least squares regression line
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