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MBA 5013 Organizational Communications N2A

Week-2 Exam


1). __________ is generally given credit as the “father” of the field of organizational communication as we understand it today.


Charles Redding


2). According to the Huffington Post, the number of __________ in the workforce has increased dramatically over the past few decades, now representing approximately 47 percent of the total U.S. population.




3). The speed and power of new communication environments means there tends to be __________ misinterpretation of messages.




4). Developing an understanding of cultural implications can greatly improve workplace interactions in the long run, resulting in improved relationships with diverse

All of the above


5). Organizations are more productive when there is/are

both b and c[role clarity. and  task and maintenance roles]


6). Communication in organizations is more effective when there is

Role clarity


7). Megan is unsure of whether she is responsible for sending out an important memo. Which of the following is she experiencing?

Role Ambiguity


8). Both __________ and __________ communication are vital and must be managed for healthy organizational interaction.


task; relationship


9). During a meeting, Matt is sitting with his arms crossed with a stern look on his face, which makes his colleagues believe that he is angry. This is an example of ________ communication.



10). Ashley’s organization allows every group member to communicate across the organization freely. This is referred to as a(n) __________ network.



11). Volunteers are most often part of the workforce in __________ organizations.



12). A __________ may have a much less formal culture with a less structured hierarchy and communication expectations.

family entrepreneurship


13). __________ organizations are the type of organization most vulnerable to political climates.

Government sector


14). Which of the following is a basic form of communication?



15). At OrgCorp, employees are expected to remain relatively quiet during the workday and limit interaction to break times. This is an example of a



16). The rumor mill is also referred to as the



17). __________ is generally regarded as the father of scientific management.

Frederick Taylor

18). Which of the following classical theorists believed that workers would do the least amount of work possible while seeking to demonstrate to superiors that they were working quickly?

Frederick Taylor


19). Frederick Taylor believed that efficiency could be greatly enhanced by

eliminating wasted time and motion in performance of task.

20). Max Weber’s works were introduced to the United States

when they were translated to English in the 1940s.

21). Which of the following classical theorists was responsible for contributing the bureaucratic theory?

Max Weber


22). Which of the following classical theorist’s system relied heavily on rationality and a highly formalized system of rules?

Max Weber

23). Criticisms of Max Weber’s bureaucratic beliefs include

Both a and b

24). Which of the following is one of Henri Fayol’s functions of management?


25). Henri Fayol’s belief in managers having the right to give orders reflects which of his principles of management?


26). Henri Fayol’s belief in specialization of tasks reflects which of his principles of management?

division of labor

27). Henri Fayol’s belief in the importance of allowing employees to initiate and carry out plans, thus encouraging high levels of effort, is reflected in which of his principles of management?


28). In classical organizations, communication was formalized with a(n) __________ direction flow.


29). Which of the following is a major way in which Mary Parker Follett differed from Taylor, Weber, and Fayol?

belief in a shared sense of control

30). Which of the following was responsible for putting forth ideas of a collective approach to management, which challenged the machine metaphor?

Mary Parker Follett

31). Employees in a __________ organization report to two supervisors instead of one.


matrix structure

32). __________ organizations tend to outsource work as much as possible and have extremely large spans of control.


33). The __________ approach shifted the emphasis from structure, power, and individualization to individual needs and human relationships.

Human Relation

34). Elton Mayo, lead researcher of the Hawthorne studies, was attempting to follow __________’s principles of scientific management.

Frederick Taylor

35). What were the results of the Illumination Studies?

All of the above

36). What were the results of the Relay Assembly Room Studies?

Productivity and satisfaction increased regardless of changes

37). What best characterizes the __________ movement is the clear shift from organizational standardization to an emphasis on the individual worker.

Human Relations

38). Which of the following serves as Maslow’s second level in his hierarchy of needs?


39). When an organization provides opportunities for connection with other employees, the __________ needs of the employee are being met.


40). Megan is satisfied with the incentives and compensation packages at her job, so her __________ needs are likely being met.


41). Which of the following is one of Herzberg’s dissatisfiers?


42). In Herzberg’s theory, __________ have little effect on positive job attitudes.

Both a and c

43). Which of the following is an assumption held by Theory X managers?

The average man works as little as possible

44). Which of the following is an assumption held by Theory Y managers?

The average man is not passive or resistant to organizational needs.

45). As a manager, Jack shows a fairly low concern for his employees and does not seem concerned about meeting production standards. He could be considered a(n) __________ manager.


46). As a manager, Sasha tends to focus primarily on getting results but not what her employees need. She could be considered a(n) __________ manager.


47). According to Rensis Likert, when people are motivated through fear, threat, or punishment, the organization is likely a(n) __________ organization.

exploitive authoritative

48). Sameer and his employees tend to work closely as a group to reach their goals. This is indicative of which type of system?

participative group

49). Which of the following is a characteristic of American organizations, as described by William Ouchi?

rapid evaluation and promotion

50). Companies that tend to have long-term employment, often for a lifetime, tend to be __________ types of companies.

Theory Z 


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