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Database Design and Management-EXB01 Week-3


Week-3 Post-Course Assessment


1). Using attributes such as STU_LNAME and STU_FNAME, the entity STUDENT would be represented with a _____ in the Chen model.


2). One important inheritance characteristic is that all entity subtypes inherit their _____ key attribute from their supertype.


3). Considering the CAP theorem, expecting data replicas to be updated immediately means to expect ____.


4). Hive is a good choice for jobs that require a small subset of data to be returned very quickly.


5). The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) traces the history of an organization's system.


6). The original Chen notation connects each attribute to an entity with a ______.

Solid Line

7). The database allows concurrent transactions to access the same row as long as they require the use of different fields within that row using a __________ lock.


8). If a cloud service provider provides a DBMS appliance or virtual server, the cloud service provider is responsible for the DBMS application patches and updates.


9). At what level of the organization does data analysis happen?

Every Level

10). When introducing a database into an organization, the database approach creates a more controlled and structured information flow and thus affects people, functions, and interactions. This leads to a(n) _____ impact of the new database system.


11).  _____ is an open-source, distributed framework created by Google to provide an environment for high-speed, parallel computation and storage using low-cost hardware as nodes in order to process Big Data.


12). The term database development describes the process of __.

 database design and implementation

13). Which of the following is an entity cluster?


14). Working with tables PRODUCT, VENDOR, and CUSTOMER, the administrator must issue the SQL command ____ to delete the ID of a vendor that the company is no longer working with.


15). It is common for the requesting page to contain some type of _________ to enable database interaction.

script language

16). What component of a particular business rule can be analyzed in order to infer whether the type of relationship between two entities can be represented in notation by 1:1, 1:M, or M:N ?

how many instances are on each side of the relationship

17). In a relationship between entities CUSTOMER and INVOICE, one relationship may specify that a CUSTOMER may generate many INVOICEs, and the other relationship may specify each INVOICE is ___ by one CUSTOMER.


18). When faced with changing granularity requirements, primary key selections might change which ultimately may require usage of which additional key?


19). Normalization works through a series of stages called normal forms. For most purposes in business database design, _____ stages are as high as you need to go in the normalization process.


20). When a programmer uses ODBC to execute queries on a database the programmer is interacting with ____________________.

a high-level ODBC API

21). A DBMS needs to look up the required data component structures and relationships to relieve programmers from having to code such complex relationships in each program. Which of the options below should be used?

data dictionary



22). The PRODUCT table has product entries in the P_CODE column with '1355' (for a jigsaw) and '1356' (for a hammer). The hammer must be given a specific name as called by the vendor and can be updated by running the SQL statement ____.

UPDATE PRODUCT SET P_NAME = 'Silver-tip Hammer' WHERE P_CODE = '1356';

23). In the context of data models, what term is used to describe a person, place, thing, or event about which data will be collected and stored?


24). What type of query would you use in a graph database to query the relationships between nodes?


25). When using a foreign key, the same value shows up in several rows. Why is this not considered data redundancy?

The elimination of the foreign key would result in losing the information of the relation.

26). When a developer creates a multi-user DBMS there must be controls to ensure _____________ and ______________ of transactions, in addition to atomicity and durability, in order to guard the database's consistency and integrity.

serializability, isolation

27). A null is created when you press the Enter key or the Tab key to move to the next entry without making a prior entry of any kind.


28). In the context of the database design process, the conceptual design step that defines the fragmentation and allocation strategy is _____.

 distributed database design

29). Operational data and decision support data serve the same purpose.


30). A(n) _____ exists when there are functional dependencies such that Y is functionally dependent on X, Z is functionally dependent on Y, and X is the primary key.

transitive dependency

31). What type of statement mostly manipulates end-user data?


32). What type of plan is used when it contains the series of steps a DBMS will use to execute the query and return the result set in the most efficient way?

Access plan

33). Consider the following table

Table name: TENANT

| ID | NAME | RENT |

| 18 | Alex | 219 |

| 31 | Rose | 250 |

| 77 | Alex | 300 |

| 41 | Mary | 280 |

| 81 | Rose | 240 |

Which query returns the following?

| ID | NAME | RENT |

| 18 | Alex | 219 |

| 81 | Rose | 240 |

| 31 | Rose | 250 |

| 41 | Mary | 280 |

| 77 | Alex | 300 |


34). A distributed database management system (DDBMS) may not always have data replicated in other areas when first implemented. What should an administrator implement ahead of time so that issues do not arise when a datacenter goes down?

 run backup services

35). Which of the following is a match for "%c%s" when using the LIKE operator?


36). The ______ is an advanced data definition language that is used to describe the structure of XML data documents.

XML schema

37). Which of the following is a disadvantage of normalization?

It creates a longer task.

38). The DBMS guarantees that the semantic meaning of a transaction truly represents the real-world event.


39). How can data become a valuable resource to a company in which it drives business decisions?

It can provide insight into what customers like to buy for a period.

40). A database management system (DBMS) can be likened to__?

a very well-organized electronic filing cabinet


41). If you are using the DBMS query and the DBMS executes the SQL query using the chosen execution plan, what phase would you need to implement?


42). Which of the following is an attribute of a foreign key?

Its value can be deleted from the child table.

43). Although many advantages were seen in implementing a distributed DBMS, a company is seeing some small issues after trying to recover the database in some remote sites. What parts of the DDBMS could be affected without proper backup and recovery processes?

Data integrity is not 100%.

44). End-user data is _____.

raw facts of interest to the end user

45). What can be used as a test vehicle for companies exploring the potential benefits of data warehouses?

Data marts

46). In a university, the data of students such as student id, name, and address are recorded in the STUDENT table and the courses are stored in a COURSE table by the course code, number of credits, and professor teaching. Usually, a student takes up to five courses per cycle, and each course has a minimum of two students. What kind of relationship exists between the courses and students?


47). Consider the following tables:




























How many rows has the result of the following query?




48). The RDBMS automatically creates the ____ tables in which to store metadata.

 data dictionary

49). The two most important components of Hadoop are the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and ___.



50). An enterprise database can be defined as the company's data representation that provides support for all present and expected future operations.



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