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MSTM 5003 Week 1 Quiz


Mohammed LNU — 1st Attempt

Assessment Statistics


28.5 out of 30 points


Out of 30 points

Time for this attempt: 6 minutes 8 seconds

6 minutes 8 seconds06:08

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Attempt History

Attempt History

Results  Points    Score     (Highest score is kept)

Attempt 1            28.5 of 30            95%       (Highest score)

Your Answers:

Results for question 1.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Into which threat category does information warfare fall?



Correct answer:

Highly structured





Results for question 2.


1.5 / 1.5 points

How did the Code Red worm spread?

It exploited a buffer-overflow vulnerability in computers running Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Desktop Engine.


It collected key-strokes, screenshots, and network traffic from open ports.


Correct answer:

It made use of a buffer-overflow condition in Microsoft’s IIS web servers that had been known for a month.

It entered through the victim’s Outlook address book software and then replicated itself by sending infected emails to the first 50 contacts.


Results for question 3.


1.5 / 1.5 points

How long did it take for electricity to be restored after the Ukraine suffered the first known successful cyberattack against an electric grid on December 23, 2015?

Full restoration of grid capabilities took minutes as the backup generators were available and online immediately.


Correct answer:

Full restoration of grid capabilities took more than a year as equipment was damaged.

Full restoration of grid capabilities took one week as testing needed to be performed to ensure safety.


Full restoration of grid capabilities took 24 hours as only a small section of the grid was affected.


Results for question 4.


1.5 / 1.5 points

What was the primary lesson learned from the Slammer worm?

It made security personnel aware of attacks that had been going on for years without being noticed.


Correct answer:

It drove home the point that the Internet could be adversely impacted in a matter of minutes.

It brought the attention of state-sponsored malware to light.


It made security personnel aware of data breaches that had been dominating the security landscape.


Results for question 5.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which attack is an example of an advanced persistent threat (APT) first reported by Google, that also targeted Adobe, Yahoo!, Juniper Networks, Rackspace, Symantec, and several major U.S. financial and industrial firms?

Correct answer:

Operation Aurora

Operation Bot Roast






Results for question 6.


1.5 / 1.5 points

In 2014, on how many different threat actors, including criminals, hactivists, state-sponsored groups, and nation states, did CrowdStrike report?





Correct answer:




Results for question 7.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Who is considered to be the ultimate insider, with his name being synonymous with the insider threat issue?

Robert Morris


Correct answer:

Edward Snowden

Kevin Mitnick


Vladimir Levin


Results for question 8.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Because of malware’s nefarious purpose, there is no criminal distinction between the writers of malware and those who release malware.


Correct answer:


Results for question 9.


1.5 / 1.5 points

In the early days of computers, security was considered to be a binary condition in which your system was either secure or not secure.

Correct answer:



Results for question 10.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which term refers to an attack conducted against a site with software that is vulnerable to a specific exploit?

Time bombs


Advanced persistent threats


Specific target attack


Correct answer:

Target of opportunity

Results for question 11.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which security principle refers to the concept that each and every request should be verified?

Least privilege


Separation of duties


Economy of mechanism


Correct answer:

Complete mediation

Results for question 12.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which security principle states that access should be based on more than one item?

Correct answer:

Separation of privilege

Complete mediation


Fail-safe defaults


Economy of mechanism


Results for question 13.


0 / 1.5 points

Encapsulation is the concept of separating items so that they cannot interfere with each other.

Incorrect answer:


Correct Answer:False



Based on answering incorrectly

Page: 36

Difficulty: Easy

Results for question 14.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Where do changes in trust occur?

At the Low-Water-Mark


At the firewall


Correct answer:

At the trust boundary

At the physical layer of the OSI model


Results for question 15.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which security model developed in the late 1970s addresses integrity?

Correct answer:




Simple Security




Results for question 16.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Another term for defense in depth is layered security.

Correct answer:



Results for question 17.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which term describes a means of separating the operation of an application from the rest of the operating system?

Complete mediation


Separation of duties


Correct answer:




Results for question 18.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Which security model uses transactions as the basis for its rules?





Simple Security


Correct answer:


Results for question 19.


1.5 / 1.5 points

Because of the nature of trust and its high-risk opportunity, the sage advice is to develop and maintain a culture embracing trust.


Correct answer:


Results for question 20.


1.5 / 1.5 points

The entity that implements a chosen security policy and enforces those characteristics deemed most important by the system designers is known as the __________.

Correct answer:

Security model

Group policy


CIA model


NIST Cyber Security Framework


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