- Each time an employee wants a vehicle a new assignment is made.
- An employee can have multiple assignments, but each assignment is for only one employee and only one vehicle.
- A vehicle may have multiple assignments.
- The XYZ location at the end if the assignment is stored in the assignment. It is assumed tht the assignment begins at the destination of that vehicles prior assignment.
- An assignment may have the status of Assigned, Out, or Returned.
- A vehicle may only be "Out" on one assignment and an employee may only have one assignment "Out".

1. What image should go into the square marked 1?
Use the following business rules to assign name to the tables on the ERD: Note: These rules are in the context of a small retail store and their charge account process. The case contains simplifying assumptions that may not accurately represent a real-world example. 1) A customer may be responsible for one account. 2) An account can have several charges posted to it but a charge may only be posted to a single account. 3) A charge may include an item and an item may be included on many charges. 4) An account may have several payments made against it but a payment may only be credited to a single account. Write the business rules for the following ERD shown in the figure below. The diagram represents the “Charge Account” at a small retail store. The ERD may contain simplifying assumptions that may not accurately represent a real-world example. Hide Feedback |
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