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BA6933 Exercises


Assignment 1 – Task 1

Refer to the data set in Table 1.7 as shown below:

Excel File: 

a.  What is the average price for the cordless telephones (to 2 decimals)?

b.  What is the average talk time for the cordless telephones (to 3 decimals)?

c.  What percentage of the cordless telephones have a voice quality of excellent?

d.  What percentage of the cordless telephones have a handset on the base?




Assignment 1 – Task 2

Exercise 01.07

The Kroger Company is one of the largest grocery retailers in the United States, with over 2000 grocery stores across the country. Kroger uses an online customer opinion questionnaire to obtain performance data about its products and services and learn about what motivates its customers (Kroger website, April 2012). In the survey, Kroger customers were asked if they would be willing to pay more for products that had each of the following four characteristics. The four questions were: Would you pay more for


products that have a brand name?

products that are environmentally friendly?

products that are organic?

products that have been recommended by others?


For each question, the customers had the option of responding yes if they would pay more or no if they would not pay more.


a.  Is the data collected by Kroger in this example categorical or quantitative?


b.  What measurement scale is used?

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Assignment 1 – Task 3

Exercise 01.09


The Commerce Department reported receiving the following applications for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award: 23 from large manufacturing firms, 18 from large service firms, and 30 from small businesses.

a.    Is type of business a categorical or quantitative variable?

b.    What percentage of the applications came from small businesses (to 1 decimal)?










Assignment 1 – Task 4

Exercise 01.11

In a gallup telephone survey conducted on April 9–10, 2013, the person being interviewed was asked if he would vote for a law in his state that would increase the gas tax up to 20 cents a gallon, with the new gas tax money going to improve roads and bridges and build more mass transportation in his state. Possible responses were vote for, vote against, and no opinion. Two hundred ninety five respondents said they would vote for the law, 672 said they would vote against the law, and 51 said they had no opinion (gallup website, June 14, 2013).

a.  Do the responses for this question provide categorical or quantitative data?

b.  What was the sample size for this gallup poll?

c.  What percentage of respondents would vote for a law increasing the gas tax (to the nearest whole number)?

d.  Do the results indicate general support for or against increasing the gas tax to improve roads and bridges and build more mass transportation?







Assignment 1 – Task 5

Exercise 01.21

A seven-year medical research study reported that women whose mothers took the drug DES during pregnancy were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities that might lead to cancer as were women whose mothers did not take the drug.

a.    This study compared two populations. What were the populations?

b.    Do you suppose the data were obtained in a survey or in an experiment?

c.     For the population of women whose mothers took the drug DES during pregnancy, a sample of 3980 women showed that 63 developed tissue abnormalities that might lead to cancer. Provide a descriptive statistic (to 1 decimal) that could be used to estimate the number of women out of 1,000 in this population who have tissue abnormalities.
  out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities

d.    For the population of women whose mothers did not take the drug DES during pregnancy, what is the estimate (to 1 decimal) of the number of women out of 1,000 who would be expected to have tissue abnormalities? (Hint: remember that women whose mothers took the drug were twice as likely to develop tissue abnormalities.)
  out of 1,000 women developed tissue abnormalities

e.    True or false: medical studies often use a relatively large sample (in this case, 3980) because disease occurrences can be rare and difficult to observe when only isolated populations are considered.


Assignment 1 – Task 6

Exercise 01.23

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan polling organization that provides information about issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America. In a poll, Pew researchers found that 47% of American adult respondents reported getting at least some local news on their cell phone or tablet computer (Pew Research website, May 14, 2011). Further findings showed that 42% of respondents who own cell phones or tablet computers use those devices to check local weather reports and 37% use the devices to find local restaurants or other businesses.

One statistic concerned using cell phones or tablet computers for local news. What population is that finding applicable to?

b.  Another statistic concerned using cell phones or tablet computers to check local weather reports and to find local restaurants. What population is this finding applicable to?

c.  Do you think the Pew researchers conducted a census or a sample survey to obtain their results? Why?

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

d.  If you were a restaurant owner, would you find these results interesting? Why? How could you take advantage of this information?

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.



Assignment 1 – Task 7

·         Check My Work

The following table shows a data set containing information for 25 of the shadow stocks tracked by the American Association of Individual Investors (, February 2002). Shadow stocks are common stocks of smaller companies that are not closely followed by Wall Street analysts.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.


a.    How many variables are in the data set?

b.    Of the following subset of variables, indicate which are categorical and which are quantitative.



Price/Earnings Ratio


Gross Profit Margin (%)



d.    For the Exchange variable, show the frequency and the percent frequency for AMEX, NYSE, and OTC.



Percent Frequency


















f.     Choose the correct bar graph from the above diagrams:

g.    Show the frequency distribution for the Gross Profit Margin using the five intervals below:
0–14.9, 15–29.9, 30–44.9, 45–59.9, and 60–74.9

Gross Profit Margin



























i.      Choose the correct histogram from the above diagrams:

j.     What is the average price/earnings ratio (to 1 decimal)?

















Assignment 2 – Task 1

Exercise 02.01 Algorithmic


The response to a question has three alternatives: A, B, and C. A sample of 120 responses provides 64 A, 23 B, and 33 C responses. Show the frequency and relative frequency distributions (use nearest whole number for the frequency column and 2 decimal for the relative frequency column).



Relative Frequency



















Assignment 2 – Task 2

Exercise 02.05

·         Check My Work

In alphabetical order, the six most common last names in the United States are Brown, Johnson, Jones, Miller, Smith, and Williams (The World Almanac, 2012). Assume that a sample of 50 individuals with one of these last names provided the following data.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

Summarize the data by constructing the following items.


a.  Fill in the frequency (to the nearest whole number) and the relative frequency (to 2 decimals) values below.




Relative Frequency























b.  Which of the following three bar graphs accurately represents the data?




c.  Select the correct pie chart from the following.




d.  Based on these data, what are the three most common last names?














Assignment 2 – Task 3

Exercise 02.11

·         Check My Work

Consider the following data.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

Summarize the data by filling in the frequency (to the nearest whole number), the relative frequency (3 decimals), and the percent frequency (1 decimal) values below.



Relative Frequency

Percent Frequency



























Assignment 2 – Task 4

Exercise 02.25

Each year America.EDU ranks the best paying college degrees in America. The following data show the median starting salary, the mid-career salary, and the percentage increase from starting salary to mid-career salary for the 20 college degrees with the highest mid-career salary (America.EDU website, August 29, 2013).

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

a.  Using a class width of 10, select a histogram for the percentage increase in the starting salary.






b.  Comment on the shape of the distribution.

The histogram is slightly  .

c.  Develop a stem-and-leaf display for the percentage increase in the starting salary. If answer is zero enter "0".





























d.  What are the primary advantages of the stem-and-leaf display as compared to the histogram?



Assignment 2 – Task 5

Exercise 02.31


Recently, management at Oak Tree Golf Course received a few complaints about the condition of the greens. Several players complained that the greens are too fast. Rather than react to the comments of just a few, the Golf Association conducted a survey of 100 male and 100 female golfers. The survey results are summarized here.

Male Golfers

Greens Condition


Too Fast


Under 15



15 or more



Female Golfers

Greens Condition


Too Fast


Under 15



15 or more



a.    Complete the crosstabulation shown below.

Green Condition


Too Fast
















Which group shows the highest percentage saying that the greens are too fast?

c.     Refer to the initial crosstabulations. For those players with low handicaps (better players), which group (male or female) shows the highest percentage saying the greens are too fast?
For the low handicappers, the   have a higher percentage who think the greens are too fast.

d.    Refer to the initial crosstabulations. For those players with higher handicaps, which group (male or female) shows the highest percentage saying the greens are too fast?
For the high handicappers, the   have a higher percentage who think the greens are too fast.

e.    At each handicap level, how does the percentage of women who think the greens are too fast compare to the percentage of men who feel the same?

When the crosstabulations are aggregated across handicap level, do you still conclude the same thing when comparing the percentage of women who complain that the greens are too fast with the percentage of the men who feel the same?

Note: This exercise is an example of Simpson's Paradox.



Assignment 2 – Task 6

Exercise 02.39

A study on driving speed (miles per hour) and fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) for midsize automobiles resulted in the following data:

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

a.  Which of the following is a scatter diagram with driving speed on the horizontal axis and fuel efficiency on the vertical axis.






Choose the correct scatter diagram from the above diagrams:


b.  Comment on any apparent relationship between these two variables.

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

Assignment 2 – Task 7

Exercise 02.39

Google has changed its strategy with regard to how much and over which media it invests in advertising. The following table shows Google's marketing budget in millions of dollars for 2008 and 2011 (The Wall Street Journal, March 27, 2012).






Newspaper, etc.







a.  Select a side-by-side bar chart with year as the variable on the horizontal axis.




b.  Convert the above table to percentage allocation for each year. Round your answers to one decimal place, if necessary. If your answer is zero, enter "0".








Newspaper etc.










Select a stacked bar chart with year as the variable on the horizontal axis.




c.  Is the display in part (a) or part (b) more insightful? Explain.

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.





The response to a question has three alternatives: A, B, and C. A sample of 120 responses provides 59 A, 25 B, and 36 C responses. Show the frequency and relative frequency distributions (use nearest whole number for the frequency column and 2 decimal for the relative frequency column).

ClassFrequencyRelative Frequency












Assignment 3 – Task 1

Exercise 03.01

·         Check My Work

Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16.

Compute the mean.

Compute the median.











Assignment 3 – Task 2

Exercise 03.09

·         Check My Work

Which companies spend the most money on advertising? Business Insider maintains a list of the top-spending companies. In 2014, Procter & Gamble spent more than any other company, a whopping $5 billion. In second place was Comcast, which spent $3.08 billion (Business Insider website, December 2014). The top 12 companies and the amount each spent on advertising in billions of dollars are as follows.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

a.  What is the mean amount spent on advertising? (to 2 decimals)

b.  What is the median amount spent on advertising? (to 3 decimals)

c.  What are the first and third quartiles?

First Quartiles (to 1 decimals)


Third Quartiles (to 4 decimals)


Assignment 3 – Task 3

Exercise 03.23

·         Check My Work

Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16.

Compute the range.

Compute the interquartile range (to 1 decimal).











Assignment 3 – Task 4

Exercise 03.27


The results of a search to find the least expensive round-trip flights to Atlanta and Salt Lake City from 14 major U.S. cities are shown in the following table. The departure date was June 20, 2012 and the return date was June 27, 2012.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.


a.  Compute the mean price for a round-trip flight into Atlanta and the mean price for a round-trip flight into Salt Lake City. Round your answers to two decimal places.




Salt Lake City



Is Atlanta less expensive to fly into than Salt Lake City?


If so, what could explain this difference?

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.


b.  Compute the range (Round your answers to one decimal place), variance, and standard deviation (Round your answers to two decimal places) for the two samples.




Salt Lake City







Standard Deviation




What does this information tell you about the prices for flights into these two cities?












Assignment 3 – Task 5

Exercise 03.35


·         Check My Work

Consider a sample with data values of 10, 20, 12, 17, and 16. Compute the z-score for each of the five observations. If required enter negative values as negative numbers (to 2 decimals).

Observed value

















Assignment 3 – Task 6

·         Check My Work

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized exam used by many universities as part of the assessment for admission to graduate study in business. The average GMAT score is 547 (Magoosh website, January 5, 2015). Assume that GMAT scores are bell-shaped with a standard deviation of 100. Make sure to use the empirical rule to answer these questions.

a.  What percentage of GMAT scores are 647 or higher?

b.  What percentage of GMAT scores are 747 or higher (to 1 decimal)?

c.  What percentage of GMAT scores are between 447 and 547?

d.  What percentage of GMAT scores are between 347 and 647 (to 1 decimal)?



Step-by-step explanation:


Using the empirical rule, we know that 68% of data falls within one standard deviation of the mean; 95% of data falls within two standard deviations of the mean; and 99.7% of data falls within 3 standard deviations of the mean.


This means from the mean to 1 standard deviation (σ) above is 34% of data; from the mean to 1 σ below is 34% of data; from 1 σ to 2σ above is 13.5% of data; from 1σ to 2σ below is 13.5% of data; from 2σ to 3σ above is 2.35% of data; from 2σ to 3σ below is 2.35% of data; more than 3σ above is 0.15% of data; and more than 3σ below is 0.15% of data.


647 is 1 σ above the mean.  This means that we go from here above;


13.5+2.35+0.15 = 16%


747 is 2σ above the mean.  This means that we go from here above:


2.35+0.15 = 2.5%


447 is 1σ below the mean and 547 is the mean.  This means that we have 34%.


347 is 2σ below the mean and 647 is 1 above the mean.  This means we go from:


13.5+34+34 = 81.5%


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Assignment 3 – Task 7

Exercise 03.45


·         Check My Work

The Wall Street Journal reported that Walmart Stores Inc. is planning to lay off 2,300 employees at its Sam's Club warehouse unit. Approximately half of the layoffs will be hourly employees (The Wall Street Journal, January 25-26, 2014). Suppose the following data represent the percentage of hourly employees laid off for 15 Sam's Club stores.
















a.  Compute the mean and median percentage of hourly employees being laid off at these stores.





b.  Compute the first and third quartiles.

First quartile


Third quartile


c.  Compute the range and interquartile range.



Interquartile range


d.  Compute the variance and standard deviation. Round your answers to four decimal places.



Standard deviation


e.  Do the data contain any outliers?

f.  Based on the sample data, does it appear that Walmart is meeting its goal for reducing the number of hourly employees?







Assignment 3 – Task 8

Exercise 03.47

consider the following data values: 27, 25, 20, 15, 30, 34, 28, and 25.

Which box plot most accurately represents these data?



Assignment 3 – Task 9

·         Check My Work

Ten major college football bowl games were played in January 2010, with the University of Alabama beating the University of Texas 37 to 21 to become the national champion of college football. The results of the ten bowl games are shown below (USA Today, January 8, 2010). The predicted winning point margin was based on Las Vegas betting odds approximately one week before the bowl games were played. For example, Auburn was predicted to beat Northwestern in the Outback Bowl by five points. The actual winning point margin for Auburn was three points. A negative predicted winning point margin means that the team that won the bowl game was an underdog and expected to lose. For example, in the Rose Bowl, Ohio State was a two-point underdog to Oregon and ended up winning by nine points.

Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

a.  Select a scatter diagram with predicted point margin on the horizontal axis.






b.  What is the relationship between predicted and actual point margins?

c.  Compute the sample covariance. Round your answer to four decimal places.

Interpret the sample covariance.

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.

d.  Compute the sample correlation coefficient. Round your answer to three decimal places.

What does this value indicate about the relationship between the Las Vegas predicted point margin and the actual point margin in college football bowl games?

The input in the box below will not be graded, but may be reviewed and considered by your instructor.




Assignment 3 – Task 10

Exercise 03.61

·         Check My Work

A random sample of 30 colleges from Kiplinger's list of the best values in private college provided the data shown in the DATAfile named BestPrivateColleges (Kiplinger, October 2013). The variable named Admit Rate (%) shows the percentage of students that applied to the college and were admitted, and the variable named 4-yr Grad. Rate (%) shows the percentage of students that were admitted and graduated in four years.
Click on the datafile logo to reference the data.

a.  Select a scatter diagram with Admit Rate (%) as the independent variable.






What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables?

b.  Compute the sample correlation coefficient. Round your answer to two decimal places and enter negative values as negative numbers, if necessary.

What does the value of the sample correlation coefficient indicate about the relationship between the Admit Rate (%) and the 4-yr Grad. Rate (%)?





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