Results Mohammed LNU — 1st Attempt Assessment Statistics 95% 28.5 out of 30 points 28.5 Out of 30 points Time for this attempt: 6 minutes 8 seconds 6 minutes 8 seconds06:08 Time for this attempt 1 attempt left Take Now Attempt History Attempt History Results Points Score (Highest score is kept) Attempt 1 28.5 of 30 95% (Highest score) Your Answers: Results for question 1. 1 1.5 / 1.5 points Into which threat category does information warfare fall? Structured Correct answer: Highly structured Critical Open-source Results for question 2. 2 1.5 / 1.5 points How did the Code Red worm spread? It exploited a buffer-overflow vulnerability in computers running Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Serve...