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IPM6040 Quizzes

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50 of 10050%(Highest score)

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Results for question 1.

5 / 5 points
Quality is achieved through inspection and correction.
Correct answer:

Results for question 2.

5 / 5 points
Prioritizing customers should only occur when there is a critical issue.
Correct answer:

Results for question 3.

5 / 5 points
A requirement should be measurable.
Correct answer:

Results for question 4.

5 / 5 points
All requirements are created equal.
Correct answer:

Results for question 5.

5 / 5 points
For requirements, specifications are specific and suggest what will be measured.
Correct answer:

Results for question 6.

5 / 5 points
Quality assurance addresses the outcome.
Correct answer:

Results for question 7.

5 / 5 points
Quality control addresses the methods.
Correct answer:

Results for question 8.

5 / 5 points
Customers can be divided into three different types. Select all that apply.
Correct answer:
Correct answer:
Correct answer:

Results for question 9.

5 / 5 points
Quality management consists of the following. Select all that apply.
Correct answer:
Correct answer:
Correct answer:
Correct answer:

Results for question 10.

5 / 5 points
Which method can be used to prioritize customers?
Correct answer:

Results for question 11.

5 points possible
What is the purpose of a Quality Management Plan?
Waiting for grade

The main purpose of creating a quality management plan is to define strategies, identify processes, and responsibilities that help in ensuring project quality. The quality management plan defines standards metrics for measurement of the quality,  offers quality assurance and control

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Results for question 12.

5 points possible
Explain the Juran Trilogy of quality.
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To ensure project quality 3 important processors are very crucial quality planning quality control and quality improvement. These 3 elements are called Juran Trilogy. Quality planning focuses on defining objectives and proposing processors to achieve the objectives. Quality control is the process that evaluates and verifies ongoing operations and it ensures that quality standards are maintained. Quality improvement is the process that focuses more on improving the quality existing,

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Results for question 13.

5 points possible
Describe the PMI PMBOK approach to quality.
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PMI PMOK is a framework that defines project management implementation. It also defines quality management as set of various processes that include quality planning come on quality assurance quality control and improvement. Successful implementation of quality management ensures expected quality for the application

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Results for question 14.

5 points possible
What is quality management?
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Quality management is the process of implementing and controlling several processes, tasks and activities because of are achieved which expected level of excellence in products and services

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Results for question 15.

5 points possible
Describe quality planning.
Waiting for grade

Quality planning is one of the most important process among quality management and it focuses more on identifying and defining objectives, metrics and procedures that will be used in the process of quality management

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Results for question 16.

5 points possible
Describe the purpose of a quality policy.
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Quality purpose is created by the organizations to ensure that organizations commitment to ensure quality of the project. Quality policy guides the organization to stick itself to quality objectives and the framework

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Results for question 17.

5 points possible
List the 3 essential elements of a quality management plan.
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Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control

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Results for question 18.

5 points possible
How can you identify customers?
Waiting for grade

Organization should review internal, external and hidden uses of the application and decide its customers

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Results for question 19.

5 points possible
Describe how to identify requirements.
Waiting for grade

Customers are main source of requirements. The requiremtns are identified by following cusomer usage, and policy implementors. 

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Results for question 20.

5 points possible
Describe how to define requirements.
Waiting for grade

defining requirement need research, interview and analysis. it is can be done by involving team and customers

Waiting for grade 

Regarding the project network analysis technique, the study of networks for their inherent risk generally provides a far greater understanding of the sources and degree of risks.

Correct answer:

Results for question 2.

25 / 25 points
PERT’s level of detail is relatively low because it focuses on one issue and one issue alone: risk qualification. Answer
Correct answer:

Results for question 3.

25 / 25 points

What is the ease of use for the decision analysis – expected monetary value technique?   

Correct answer:

Results for question 4.

25 / 25 points

What level of detail is expected for the root cause identification and analysis technique? 

Correct answer:


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