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Question 1
Not yet graded / 2 pts
What is the definition of business strategy?  
(Complete your response in no more than three sentences.)
Your Answer:

The organizations existing will have certain specific goals and mission, and objectives that help it to grow. Business strategy is a plan that helps organization to achieve those specific goals. Business strategy creates set of activities needed to maximize the performance of the company.

Question 2
/ 1 pts
A product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new products that a company will try to develop. Life cycle assessments and analyses are systems for addressing the environmental consequences of entire product chain.  True or False?
Question 3
/ 1 pts
Diversification occurs when a firm enters into the same markets (e.g. international, domestic markets) with existing products or services.  True or False?
Question 4
/ 1 pts
Firms try to maintain value added, which is the sales revenue from output minus the cost of material inputs (e.g. wages, interest, rent, royalties, license fees, and taxes).  True or False
IncorrectQuestion 5
/ 2 pts
__________________  ___________________ is a good proxy (and reasonable assumption) for a measure of strategic effectiveness.
(The answer should be two words.)
IncorrectQuestion 6
/ 2 pts
Companies do all sorts of reporting.  Sustainability reporting mainly occurs to:
Question 7
Not yet graded / 3 pts
What is the GRI?  Explain the definition, purpose, and guidelines.
Your Answer:

GRI means Global reporting initiative, it is an international framework for generating sustainability reports. These reports discuss sustainability impacts. The various topics it covers include effective utilization of energy, waste management practices of the company and labor policies

The main purpose of using GRI is to disclose organizations abilities and concerns in economic, social and governance performance

The guidelines of GRA includes several standards Data universally applicable to all existing business. The standards are topic specific, and they are categorized into different sectors. These guidelines encourage organizations to disclose relevant information in meaningful ways.   


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