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Measure Phase Quiz

One of the deliverables of the Measure Phase is to calculate baseline performance.


Process efficiency is defined as the extent to which customer requirements are met.


An input measure should be linked as closely as possible to the customer requirement.


The focus of the Measure Phase is to (choose one).  

All of the above

The following equation, Y = function(X), is meant to symbolize the following relationship (choose one).

Ys (outputs) are driven or influenced by Xs (inputs and process)

A guideline for developing a process measure is (choose one).

All of the above,

Input, process, and output measures are all examples of indicators.


An X is a predictor, is independent, and a cause that should be investigated. |


An example of continuous data is (choose one) 

Both the first and second answers above

A data collection plan contains the following elements (choose one).

All of the above 

Check sheets are a type of data collection form that helps collect data.


A measurement system must be accurate, unrepeatable, reproducible, and stable.


The guidelines for operational definitions are (choose one). 

All of the above 

Sampling is the process of selecting a portion of a population that is representative of that population.
The first step of the data collection process is to collect data.
One of the reasons to collect data is to document the history of the problem over time. 

The normal curve is a probability distribution where the most frequently occurring value is in the middle and other probabilities tail off symmetrically in both directions.

Variation is considered “Voice of the Business”.

Natural inherent causes from the interaction of all of the sources of variation is called (choose one).
Common Cause

Run charts are time-ordered plots of data that can be used to search for special cause variation.

Control charts, similar to run charts, are time-ordered plots of data that can be used to search for special cause variation. The additional benefit of control charts is that they also have “specification limits.”

One method to interpret special cause in a control chart is if 1 or more points fall outside of the control limits.

The standard deviation is the most common measure of dispersion and is the average distance, or deviation, that a given point is away from the mean. 

The actions that will need to be taken for common cause variation are A. investigate to determine the “vital few” causes (Xs) and B. develop solutions for “vital few” causes. 

Calculate the mean, median and mode from the following data set: 1, 2, 6, 6, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 16, 16, 16, 28 
Mean = 11.6; Median = 12; Mode = 16

The definition of control means (choose one).
All of the above 

The goal of Lean Six Sigma improvement is to center a process well within customer requirements by reducing variation.

A histogram reveals several factors about the data which include (choose one).
All of the above

The Process Capability Indices Cp and Pp = the actual capability of the process and takes into account the location of the process average.
DPMO is a method for calculating Sigma. The elements required to calculate Sigma using DPMO include (choose one).
Unit, Defect, Defect Opportunity
Yield is the % of good products or services.
With process performance at 6 Sigma, there would still be 6,210 defects per million opportunities.
Sigma is a name given to indicate how much data falls within the customer |requirements.
Calculate Sigma using the DPMO Method with the following data: Units = 22,681; Defects = 548; Opportunities = 6

Have you completed and documented the SI Project Deliverables for the Measure Phase?

"I do not understand what you mean by the process not being in statistical control. It seems apparent that the process is out of control due to all of the variation from these graphs. Can you explain what you mean by that?" 
"All processes have variation, but could still be stable or in control. Statistical control means that there is expected variation in the process which leads to expected outcomes to our customers. Our process is unstable and we need to understand and fix quickly what is leading to this so we can more effectively focus on the longer term problems leading to customer dissatisfaction." 

"Why did you start the loan processing cycle time from when a customer submits an
application? We don’t have any control over that."

"In order to get an understanding of the time it takes to get the loan processed from the customer's perspective, we need to understand the total cycle time from the beginning of the process to the end."

"How are you planning on using these charts and baseline performance for analysis?"
“The charts and baseline performance have given us some valuable insight into the
extent of our problems and where to begin our analysis. We can further stratify
the data to pinpoint specific problem areas and then analyze why these problems
are occurring.”

"Why is it necessary to display the cycle time on a histogram? We already knew that it
was taking a long time to complete the Home Loan process."
"The histogram gives us much more insight into the variation of the process. We
can determine the spread of the data as well as identify any patterns that may
cause concern or direct us where to analyze."

"Wouldn't # of Final Determination Packages WITHOUT Errors be a better and more
positive output to measure?” 
"We are trying to collect the data from the customer's perspective and issue. That 
is why we chose to collect # of Final Determination Packages WITH Errors. We will
then be able to determine the % WITHOUT errors."

"There are many fields on the Final Determination Package. Why did you only use 7 of them when you calculated Sigma?"
"These 7 fields are important to the customer so we needed to calculate a baseline of performance based on their needs."

"Why are we interested in collecting data on # of Applications Received per Day?"
"We are trying to determine how input factors could influence our output
performance. We are hypothesizing that changes in the number of applications
received could have a direct relationship to how many loans are processed."

"There have been some concerns from management about the accuracy of the data
within the Sl database. Why did you use this system for your data collection?"
“The data collection process takes a long time to complete. We conducted a
measurement system analysis before collecting data from the SI database and
determined that the data for any of our time measures was accurate. This
historical data collection saved us time to collect the data.”


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