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SFC PM6001 Quizzes


Quiz 1: PM Overview

  • Due Nov 5 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit 35 Minutes

Attempt History

LATESTAttempt 120 minutes7 out of 10
Score for this quiz: 7 out of 10
Submitted Nov 5 at 10:42pm
This attempt took 20 minutes.
Question 1
/ 1 pts
Why do project managers need to have a genuine interest in people in order to be good project managers?

When a PM sees the team as individual human beings with many responsibilities, the team members will be more receptive to working towards the project goal even when there are difficulties

Question 2
/ 1 pts
Every project manager should do their best to eliminate the politics which come into play in projects because they only have a negative impact. 
You Answered
Correct Answer

Politics means that everyone comes to the project with their own set of objectives which is not a negative; it can be very useful to explore those objectives to understand the needs of all of the team members.   Re-watch the video.

Question 3
/ 1 pts
Which of the following describes a project.

Developing a training class that will be given at the end of the month is a project.  It has a beginning and an end date so it is temporary.  It is something that is being developed, so it is new and unique.   The other choices are repetitive and therefore they are operations. 

Question 4
/ 1 pts
The project is halfway completed and the sponsor just informed you that the budget will be cut by 25%.  This poses a problem because you will need the full amount of money in order to complete the scope of the project.    The triple constraint gives you one option that might allow you to complete the project with the lower amount of money.  Which one is it?

The triple constraint has boundaries around time, scope and budget.  If one of those boundaries changes the others will be impacted.  Since the budget is shrinking you can extend the timeline (which will probably be necessary to eliminate people from the team due to the decrease in funding).  The other choices are not acceptable.

Question 5
/ 1 pts
What is one of the best tools to use to prevent scope creep?
Correct Answer
You Answered

The simplest way to control scope is to clearly define the boundaries in terms of time and resources.  

Question 6
/ 1 pts

You are building a website for your school's music club.  One of the stakeholders asked that the website be able to upload new music files very quickly and be able to maintain a large video library.  You want to make sure that every stakeholder's business requirements are met.   Which of the following statements is true regarding this stakeholder's business requirements?



You Answered
Correct Answer

it is not quantifiable and does not meet the SMART requirements

Question 7
/ 1 pts
Your company, Quiet Gardens,  is managing the construction of a Zen Garden that requires several bonsai trees to be planted in the courtyard.   The Bonsai Group will be selling the trees to the garden project.  What is the best way to describe the Bonsai Groups's relationship to the project?

They are an external stakeholder.

Question 8
/ 1 pts
The ____________ is responsible for funding the project. 

The sponsor is responsible for funding the project. 

Question 9
/ 1 pts
The________________ ensures a common understanding of the key deliverables, milestones and responsibilities of key stakeholders.

The project charter ensures a common understanding of the key deliverables, milestones and responsibilities of key stakeholders.

Question 10
/ 1 pts
Business analysts are responsible for helping to translate the business requirements into  technical specifications; they are an interface between the technical department and business. 

Business analysts are responsible for helping to translate the business requirements into  technical specifications; they are an interface between the technical department and business. 

Quiz Score: 7 out of 10


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