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IS5403 Week 8 Post Assessment

An unskilled person who downloads automated attack software (i.e. open-source intelligence) and uses it to carry out attacks would be considered to be what type of threat actor?


An Advanced Persistent Threat is most commonly associated with what type of threat actor?
How is confidentiality ensured using the IPsec VPN protocol?
What encryption protocol is used for the WPA2 wireless standard?
What are two items that are specifically part of the Secure DevOps methodology? (Choose two.)
How does a distributed denial of service attack differ from a regular denial of service attack?
What statement accurately defines what a race condition is and how it might affect a computer?
An attacker is attempting to generate data that has the same hash as a captured hash of a password. What type of attack is this?
Recently, a managed Cisco network switch in a publicly accessible closet experienced a crash, dropping all those that were connected to it. Based on logs recovered from a central logging system, you determine that the switch may have been flooded with spoofed MAC addresses, causing the memory available on the switch to be consumed. What feature could you implement to help prevent this from happening in the future?
What Linux/UNIX-based command interface and protocol can be used for securely accessing a remote computer?
What statement properly describes the propagation or circulation techniques utilized by a worm-type malware?
What type of fingerprint scanner requires that a user place their entire thumb or finger over a small oval window, which then takes an optical picture of the fingerprint?
What DNS vulnerability can be specifically addressed by utilizing Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)?
What are two valid weaknesses of utilizing MAC filtering for controlling wireless network access?
The basic ROT13 cipher is an example of what kind of cipher algorithm?
Of the two encryption modes supported by IPsec, what mode is more secure, and why?
Once a tester has penetrated a network and gained access, what is the tester's next step?
What statement regarding the use of load balancers on a network is NOT accurate?
In multifactor authentication, a password is considered to be what element of authentication?
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric cipher uses how many rounds of substitution and re-arranging when utilizing a 256-bit key size?
When performing a vulnerability scan, what is NOT one of the things the scan looks for?
What statement describes the Privacy Enhancement Mail (PEM) X.509 format?
What does a component's mean time between failures (MTBF) value determine?
You are speaking to your CIO, and she has instructed you to ensure that the network is "five nines" in percentage of availability. What is the total yearly downtime that this allows?
Consider the following network: PC1->Switch1->Switch2->PC2. When Switch1 receives a frame from PC1 intended for PC2, but does not have an entry in the MAC table for PC2, what happens?
What type of digital certificate is primarily used for Microsoft Exchange servers or unified communications?
You are an administrator for the site, and would like to secure all the subdomains under with a single SSL certificate. What type of certificate should you use?
What are two valid methods that could be used to prevent a replay attack? (Choose two.)
What is not an item that a host based intrusion detection system (HIDS) is capable of monitoring?
Once a system has been infected, what is the method of operation of a logic bomb malware program?
See Ch. 2: Malw
On Windows, how does the Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC) MAC implementation ensure data integrity?
You are currently engaged in troubleshooting an active connection that is being cut off in mid-transmission each time an attempt is made to communicate. What type of program should you use to diagnose the problem with this transmission?
What block cipher mode of operation involves each ciphertext block being fed back into the encryption process to encrypt the next plaintext block?
What type of agreement serves as a contract between a vendor and a client that specifies what services will be provided, the responsibilities of each party, and any guarantees of service?
What are the two different types of one-time password that can be created? (Choose two.)
By creating a starting point for comparison purposes in order to apply targets and goals to measure success, what are you doing?
If a wireless attacker sends a Request to Send (RTS) frame with a duration field containing a very high value, what happens on the wireless network?
In dealing with facial recognition technology, what term describes the rate at which imposters are recognized as legitimate users?
A client PC on your company's network is attempting to browse to a vendor's web page on the Internet, but the computer goes to a malicious web page instead. What two utilities can you use to verify that the DNS records are correct for the web page? (Choose two.)
When discussing protections provided by cryptography, what does non-repudiation mean?
In the management of virtual machines, what are the risks associated with virtual machine sprawl?
In what type of security policy might you define the required minimal security configuration for servers on the network?
When considering the proper storage of private keys, what statement is not accurate?
When you are configuring password policy settings in Group Policy, what is the recommended setting for password reuse?
What two cryptographic transport protocols should not be used or are considered obsolete? (Choose two.)
Elliot's computer has a TPM chip, which was used to encrypt the contents of his hard drive. Due to a component failure on the motherboard, Elliot had to move the hard drive to a new computer, also with a TPM chip. What happens to the drive upon starting the computer?
What EAP protocol supported by WPA2-Enterprise securely tunnels any credential form for authentication using TLS?
What statement correctly defines what a rainbow table is in relation to password attacks?
What statement regarding the use of Software Defined Networking (SDN) is NOT accurate?
The Secure Boot security standard is used in conjunction with what type of booting process firmware?
What type of a social engineering attack attempts to trick a user via email or web page into surrendering private information, such as login information to financial websites?
Your organization is planning to deploy wireless access points across their campus network, and you have been tasked with securing the installation. Currently, the design calls for a wireless network with many APs that are controlled by a single device, to allow centralized management. What type of APs will you be securing?
What type of backup is considered to be an evidence-grade backup, because its accuracy meets evidence standards?
If a company that employs a SCADA system comes under attack, and the SCADA system itself is affected, what are the risks?
When dealing with the preservation of evidence, who should be responsible for processing the evidence?
What type of security control implements security in a defined structure and location?
What is not one of the more common security issues that should be planned for?
What feature of a mobile device management system could be used to restrict the use of an application containing confidential data to only a specific geographical area?
When deploying sensors, collectors, and filters, where should they be placed in the network?
What is a valid disadvantage of the use of a software firewall versus using a hardware firewall?
Providing the minimum amount of privileges necessary to perform a job or function is known as what security principle?
Although change management involves all types of changes to information systems, what two major types of changes regarding security need to be properly documented? (Choose two.)
In a white box penetration test of a network, how much information is known to the tester, if any?
How does the use of the perfect forward secrecy key exchange method differ from other key exchange methods?
What statement is accurate in regards to adjusting frequency spectrum settings?
What is NOT an advantage of using job rotation in a complex business environment?
Identification of any single points of failure should be a key component in what important business tool?
What type of redundant site provides office space, but equipment necessary for continuing operations must be provided by the customer?
When using OAuth, how are a user's username and password received by a third party server.
A Bluetooth piconet is an example of what type of network topology?
You are involved in the creation of your company's employee offboarding policy. What statement reflects a good policy measure?
The Google Android OS Smart Lock feature is an example of what kind of authentication?
What can be used to help ensure against employee perpetrated fraud against an employer?
What type of information security policy is often considered to be the most important policy?
You have been placed in charge of a large number of corporate firewalls and NIPs. Due to the volume of traffic, you would like to recommend the procurement of a product capable of real-time monitoring and management of security information with analysis and reporting of security events. What type of product is this?
What two statements describe methods that can be employed by armored viruses in order to avoid detection? (Choose two.)
What type of malware specializes in avoiding detection by accessing lower layers of the operating system or by using undocumented functions to make alterations?
When might an industry-specific security framework or architecture be required for a company?
What is the most secure form of IEEE 802.1x authentication?
What statement best describes how an HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP) works?
What type of cryptography provides security comparable to asymmetric encryption with significantly reduced computational power and with smaller key sizes?
Due to the sensitivity of the computer equipment your company has in its core network, you would like to shield these devices from electromagnetic pulses. What can you do to accomplish this?
What is NOT a component in the "AAA" framework used to control access to computer resources?
Per your company's data destruction policy, you have been tasked with the destruction of data on a magnetic hard drive. The policy employed by your company specifies that you must destroy the drive by reducing or eliminating the magnetic fields present in the drive. What method should you use?
In mandatory access control, what are the two key elements used to grant permissions? (Choose two.)
You have been tasked with responding to a security incident involving the compromise of a manager's documents. You and your team have determined that the attacker involved copied files via a Bluetooth connection with the manager's unprotected cell phone. What kind of attack was this?
When performing an audit, what is the process that looks at the applications that the user is provided, how frequently they are used, and how they are being used known as?
What federation system technology uses federation standards to provide SSO and exchanging attributes?
When using application-based firewalls, what is NOT capable of being used to identify an application being used?
An attack in which the attacker substitutes the return address in a program with a pointer to malicious code is an example of what kind of attack?


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