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WEEK- 2 code install.packages("dplyr") library(dplyr) Rajeshdf = read.csv('c:\\Insurance.csv') str(Rajeshdf) str(Rajeshdf) summary(Rajeshdf) agg_tbl <- Rajeshdf %>% group_by(Rajeshdf$JOB) %>% summarise(total_count=n(), .groups = 'drop') agg_tbl a = aggregate( x=Rajeshdf$HOME_VAL, by=list( Rajeshdf$CAR_TYPE), FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE ) a QUIZ 2. What famous literary detective solved a crime because a dog did not bark at the criminal? A). Sherlock Holmes 1. In the Insurance data set, how many Lawyers are there? A). 1031 3. What two prefixes does the instructor use for variables when fixing the missing values? Select all that apply. A). IMP_ M_ 4. What is the median Home Value of a person who drives a Van? A). 204139 5. In the insurance data set, how many missing (NA) values does the variable AGE have? A) 7 1. What...
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